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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.16888397 [View]
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How detailed is too detailed for a rape scene?

>> No.15586102 [View]
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It's there a reason why every decade in your life feels like a diferent musical chord?

0-10 It's like you're not even aware, you're just a dumb naive kids, maybe feels like a happy root major chord.

10-20 It's like you're bullied and start to realize life sucks, It's like IV

20-30 It's like now the school ended, and now you're happy again and you feel like you can change the world, you're an idealistic dumbass.
Feel like V

30-31 It feels like you're now just tired, like all the hope is lost, like life wont be good, and now your entire reason to exist is to become another good goy and you feel like Adult life is about responsability, but feels like disapoint me.
So far is like a disminished chord.

>> No.14976837 [View]
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Why the abuse and use of literary figures looked down by academia?

I wonder and ponder and thereafter -Why - the academia -many hate it -but why wonder I- for reason'd- reasons multiplied are- voted againts - dunno wonder so much y'all and me- and so after thoughs.

Why beauty and ornamentation and pretiation from all the cornantation of art whoefully drawn, design, made and iterated and imitated and drawed.
Why it was deleted, removed and destroyed like if hell was oponened and all the demons with their infinite darker clouds of raughness, attacked and destroyed the pretty and beauty of days modern.

Concern of much is to be, be of much is to think.
Why and who'ed causation of finalization events, spoken to all the diferent causes of origins. Who -to me an others- concern caused and created and originated to Who'med.

Uglyness was who and why?
To corroed and oxidated all our alives lives to who'ever concernited among all of ourselves and themselves and youselfs and all the selves we can ponder and request answer to be.

Dunno, but who this simplification of the doctrination of the skillfulnification of writing was because, who's to blame for sadness state of current spoken and literary arts?

Why'd nobody can or couldn't replicate ancient old masterfully writings?

>> No.14966229 [View]
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I like to read books, but mostly non fiction.

Am I allowed to post on this board?

>> No.14473079 [View]
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>that they don't perceive any difference here. from a man's perspective, you are thinking "but she said 'i only do X' and two seconds later she did 'non-X'?" this is because the fundamental modality of male consciousness is erecting principles and trying to follow them - even if you're a shitty man, it just means you're shitty and weak at erecting principles, not that the FUNDAMENTAL modality of principle-erection is absent. a woman's fundamental modality is "doing what i feel like." to a woman, that behavior is completely consistent: in the first instance, she did what she felt like. then she did what she felt like again. only a man perceives that the CONTENT of the actions was contradictory, i.e., would be contradictory if performed by a man. but for a woman whose primary stream of consciousness is "what do i want to do right now? :) perhaps i'll wear a ribbon in my hair tomorrow, tra lala!," no such contradiction occurred, or indeed is even

>> No.14281573 [View]
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I'm sure my utopia parody called cucktopia has the material to be GOTY among writers, but I feel I'm not good enough.

Sure, I'm good enough today compared to what I'll be in 10 years, not well read enough.

But I want to write, but the fear of writing some garbage frozen me.
I'm sure I write better than most retards who make millions of genre fiction garbage.

But I feel I'm not ready yet.
I mean pablo coello write, and he's literal garbage but he's rich and doesn't care.

>> No.14261646 [View]
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I've come to the conclusion, the average person is an npc, a plebian, whatever.
he has not original opinions or thoughs for which if he had them, he would destroy the system that feeds on him.
so he has not real power to change nothing, he's just livestock.
so the only logical conclusion is for the elites to keep feeding on the common man, since he's an npc, he just need to be fed enough to stop thinking.
So, the thinkers, and people that have original thoughs, are a danger to the system that feeds on the average npc.
So, this is why they must be chasen, their ideas forbiden, or bribed to become part of the elite.
I've come to these conclusions on watching my family do their IRL chores day after day.
Therefore is the best interest of elites to destroy any form of critical thinking and replace it with propaganda they call education, religion and politics are just tools of the elite to keep the system intact.
The revolutions only happens when a newer rising elite try to take the place from an older elite, beyond that, there's not a lot that changes for the common man.
Any real change would mean he should start to think original ideas, for which he's unable to.
And such the npc deserves all the explotation he gets, because he's an npc.

Is there any book that deals with this?

>> No.14244706 [View]
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I can't stand watching my family talks about the same topics, same memories, same goals in life, same discussions, day after day, night after day, sunrise after sunrise, for years to no end.

And when I was in college, was the same, my classmates were in a whatssapp group.
And they were discussing the same facebook memes, the same opinions, the same jokes.

And when I see people talking in the street, at the bus, is the same topics, the same family issues, the same mediocrity, the same tired and cliche goals in life, the same opinions as my family.

Nobody ever mentions something original, nor something that isn't the same cliche thoughs and life goals and life hobbies and life issues.

Is this a joke?
Are they trolling me?
Am I insane?

And whenever I go also on 4chan, those generals.
The same opinions, the same humour, the same jokes from facebook.
The same topics.
And they don't see it as wrong.

And they listen your opinions.
And they think you're the insane one, because you can't see how glorious is to talk the same topics and same shit and same BS day after day.

Don't they get tired of talking about the same?
Sometimes I think I am going insane, but I am the same, I haven't changed.

Am I insane?
Are they really correct I'm mentally ill?
Could be, but why?
why can't they see this situations, which concerns me deeply.

>> No.14241353 [View]
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It is as if it were one of those chickens that live in these cages in veterinary stores, where they have dozens of chickens that only eat, drink water, culean and sleep, but live in a cage.
And day after day they live in this mental cage, they talk about the same shit every day, they do the same routine every day.
They only get fat so that someone later grabs them and unzips them out of the box.

And you feel alone, you are the only one who can see the cage, but the other chickens do not realize the situation, they are very worried about the time the teacher outside the cage brings them food, from grooming the feathers they have, to fuck each other while they roll in the droppings that fall from the chickens above.

And you feel alone, hopeless of trying to change the minds of others.
And the routine begins, you wake up, you live your life, you see the other chickens in their daily routine, eating, fucking, shitting, socializing with other chickens of how this cage is very comforting.

And if you try to talk to them that there may be something beyond that cage, you can see the sun as it shines, you can see that there is a beautiful meadow that exists outside, a tree beyond the cage.
And you really want to go, get out of that cage, but you can't, you're locked up and the only thing you have next to you are chickens wallowing in the droppings of others in their miserable routine.

And you feel alone, really alone.
You cannot bear to socialize with others, you are too alienated.
And you want to express that feeling of being locked up, but you can't.
And others don't understand you and get angry, or they make fun of you and give you names.

Hehe, look at that loser, he's not fucking like us, hehe, he's a loser.

And all you want is a true friend who also understands your situation.
But nobody understands you, nobody can see that cage.

>> No.14233240 [View]
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I had a feeling, a perception, dunno how to put it.

I feel time doesn't exist.
Let me put this way.

When I walk on the park, sometimes I watch the clouds and think, this moment, this present instant will be just a memory of me in a hour, a couple minutes.
Then Later when I'm home I remember that memory and realize that it was true, that that moment I though was real, was just now a memory on my past.

Dunno how to explain it properly.
Wonder if any philosopher talks about this.

>> No.14228840 [View]
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Any linguist here?

Are human languages just the same human experience only with diferent words and grammar but basically the same experience just diferent coats of painting?

So far I'm learning a bunch of languages and is fun, but I wonder if there's a deeper diference between them.

So far my native language is spanish, which I find is ok, but nothing remarkable.
However english is more technical, feels more like a language of engineering and science, but is less romantic and less lazy than spanish.
Spanish feel like a lazy language.

So far I've been trying to learn japanese and It's like an alien language, but overall the same core human experience is there, just diferent.
Japanese feels like a more contemplative language where I need to take my time and have respect for others.

Dunno really how to explain it better.

>> No.14187017 [View]
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Peace or love?

>> No.14139245 [View]
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I feel like I live in one of those cages where we put livestock chickens to fatten them up, and I'm the only peep who can realize the reality of his situation and the other peeps don't care and I feel really alone IRL in this shit.

I feel like I can see reality and somehow the rest of people can't see the cages.

Does lit knows what I am talking about?
Has anyone ever wrote something like this?

It could be capitalism alienation, but I don't think is that.

>> No.14117931 [View]
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I dunno where to ask this.

I want to write a book that feels like a novel, but at the same time has gameplay elements like a board game, so maybe there's a literary description and in the end of the chapter a basic minigame, maybe a basic level similar to some board game level with some basic rules and some basic objective, maybe it plays like a single player boardgame where the dice makes a basic AI, and based on your game performance there's some basic chart flow chapters you must follow, like a CYAO book.

Of course there also will be some illustrations and manga pictures as well.

Dunno how to explain it but basically like a literary version of a videogame letsplay.

>> No.13976572 [DELETED]  [View]
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The more I read the more I become mysogynistic.

>> No.13417939 [View]
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I don't have any ambitions

>> No.13183201 [View]
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Well, the thing is that it literally has no concept of sexuality or childbearing. Its species (it's one already in existence but I feel too embarrassed to mention it on /lit/) is "born" by eggs that form from the conglomeration of silt in the ocean, they have no sexual organs or sex hormones, and when they "die" they just revert back to an egg and are reborn in a larval stage. There's no reason at all for them to produce gametes or be pregnant, so of course it has no idea what she would mean by "pregnancy."

>> No.12751515 [View]
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I was "friends" with a group of people in high school to the extent that I hung out with them during the school day but rarely got invited to actual social activities. Years later I'm still deeply sad I never experienced the things they did, from my position of "looking in" at their lives I feel like I missed out on an enormous amount and my now impossible desire to recreate them has stunted my further development. I want to hang out after school and go swimming in the reservoir, go build a bonfire in the woods, go on a road trip, go to concerts, awkwardly ask a girl out, watch movies late at night in each other's basements, just do all those things I never did.

>but anon you can still do all those things
Nominally, but it feels like the character of the relationships you have with people changes once you cease being a child. Probably because most people have continued to grow and mature while I've stagnated more or less. Every year I feel more alienated, I haven't even tried to socialize in months. I'm "okay" with this in the sense that I'm not going to kill myself over it or anything, but I'm still very unhappy.

The worst thing is trying to reconnect with those near-friends from high school. The first summer after our first year of college I did just that, and it actually went pretty well. Had a blast. But since then things have faded to the extent that they feel like a mockery of what it was like. I originally had 15 to 20 people I was in somewhat regular contact with, two years later I can count on one hand the number I've seen in the past year. Romantically it's even worse, haven't even been interested in anyone for close to a year now.

I'm probably delusional and only idolizing this stuff because I didn't experience it, but in the end that's irrelevant to to longing I feel.

>> No.12616091 [View]
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>seeing her picture for the first time in months
I thought I had banished these feels

>> No.12535247 [View]
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extremely horrifying

>> No.12414416 [View]
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I only ever wanted a gf so I'd have a close companion I'd do everything with but apparently that's not how gfs work in the real world and now I'm sad.

>> No.12254743 [View]
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I drape myself in the aesthetics of literaryness but really all I do all day is watch youtube videos and twitch streams. I've written a single story in the past three months and haven't touched a book in even longer. The aesthetic itself isn't even authentic, I just do it to cope with my loneliness and alienation.

>> No.12149837 [View]
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Looking at how far my friends have gotten with their academics or relationships or work or whatever has made me desperate to just accomplish *something*. I think I'll throw myself into trying to get a poem or short story or something published, even if it's a tiny publication read by five people in a small Oregon town. Anything to be able to say "I succeeded in this. I accomplished this. I wrote something of at least some tiny worth." I have the time and I think the skill, I just need to stop being a lazy layabout who spends the majority of the day consuming media to distract from his crippling loneliness. Perhaps having an actual goal will help me get my shit together.

>> No.12096392 [View]
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I'm planning on writing a novel, in the most fancy, complex way, using several words and portmanteus of languages, and every sentence being a layered web of compound sentence and figures of speech.

I figure out this can make me the next Joyce, but I wanna also do a translation in simple daily language for the masses and add it as a second part of the novel.

So, the question would be:

To put the simpler language novel as part II later in the book, or interweb a page of the real novel with the following translation in the next page, like I saw a translation of Homer work (a page in greek the other in plain english).

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