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>> No.19253658 [View]
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Biden with “Build Back Better” proudly displayed behind him.

The Council for Inclusive Capitalism is subtly pushing wealth redistribution as an idea (to “address growing income inequality”). Reparations for slavery (as race-based Marxism, already being pushed in some towns across America by legislators and protestors, and by some Senators) might also play into this at some point.

>The Fourth Industrial Revolution represents a fundamental change in the way we live, work and relate to one another. It is a new chapter in human development, enabled by extraordinary technology advances commensurate with those of the first, second and third industrial revolutions. **These advances are merging the physical, digital and biological worlds in ways that create both huge promise and potential peril.**

They admit and talk about “the merging of our physical, digital, and biological worlds,” which could include implants and the merger of neuroscience and nanotechnology. Technocratic authoritarian communism.

Soros, by the way, bankrolls BLM groups, and his Open Society Foundations also supports immigration reform in the West. This is, again, the globohomo anti-White agenda — leveling all races, using third-world immigration as a hammer to smash Western society then reshape it as the elites want. As a crude reaction to this, /pol/, Charlottesville, and the “alt-right” (a slur used by harpies on CNN) arises. They have a point, but the neo-Nazi/Stormfront faction of them is rather crude.

If you take the legendary apocryphal definition of fascism as the merger of corporate and state power, then yes, you could ironically also see it as neo-fascism. In practice, fascism and communism end up being similarly oppressive (target dissenters, authoritarianism). Horseshoe theory. Have some good quotes from the provocateur and infamous horse rancher, Chris Langan, saved about this.

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