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>> No.23341688 [View]
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>In fact, the younger you go, the more conservative pro-Putin you will find Russians.
Thanks for demonstrating you have not idea what you're talking about. Pic-related. You should actually try talking to Russians.
>But it's not just about preserving Putin, but preserving the system that Putin has built without Putin (because he's going to die eventually), does that make sense?
Not really. The US and it's allies are more than happy to fantasize about the destabilization of Russia and this bias bleeds into assessments. I already alluded to one way earlier (i.e. pretending a destabilized Russia with a power vacuum won't be an even bigger mess than what we have now) while the other neglects the nature of regime change in Russia over the past 100 years (i.e. Russia likely won't collapse without Putin in charge and the reason he's in power is that he turned the country around). Give the devil his due.
>There's a whole generation of people who are Putin's age who are going to retire in the coming years, and they need to transfer power to the next generation.
This is a meaningless observation, anon. It's literally true of every generation throughout all of human history. Also, the whole "transfer of power between generations" thing exemplifies why I initially called you out by saying "Russia isn't a country like the one you live in." It's not a liberal democracy ffs.

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