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>> No.9026674 [View]
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*Suicide note found on a burnt corpse*

You have killed your parents and many animals.
You have insulted others and became prideful.
You have hurt others, you have convinced others to hurt people and enjoyed it.
You walked the evil path without any shame, out of confusion you are stuck in bad habits.
You have done many evil deeds and are now trapped in the fangs of Hell
Because of this your tongues will be ripped out, you will burn in hot oil, you will be pierced with knifes, your body will be smashed by stones, you will experience extreme cold or heat, you will cry out in pain, misery and fear.

Out of love I forgive and come to rescue you.
Be not afraid, dears! be never fearful!
Poor little souls, your lives were short indeed!
Too soon you were forced to make the weary journey to Hell.
The long journey to the region of the dead!
Trust to me! I am your father and mother in Hell,
Father of all children in the region of the dead
I graciously take you into my arms.
I take pity upon you poor souls.
Those we can not walk, I carry you on my back.
I will end the misery you have.
By going to Hell, and when I am there I will take you by the hand.
To bring all who reside in this horrible place.
Back to Heaven where you will be forgiven and live in peace.
And I shall not stop until all the Hells have been emptied.
I will remain in Hell until it's last resident has been freed from pain.

While I am in Hell the Great Lord of Death called Satan will bow in front of me and tell me:
"Though you will endlessly help many people be free from Hell without becoming tired, once they are freed they will turn to evil acts again and quickly fall back into Hell."

After hearing his words I shall answer:
"Because of being snared in their bad habits, people are stubborn and hard to tame. However with me as their guide I shall lead them away from doing harmful acts, I shall teach them how to be kind and patiently instruct them on how to be permanently free from the horrible place called Hell"

After having spoken a servant of Satan called the great King of Fire will bow before me and tell me:
"My servants who measure in the billions will go from door to door and punish anyone who does evil. However if there are those who praise you, who abstain from comitting sins, then my servants shall reward and protect them and direct them to the sacred path of Heaven. However if those people do not show respect or gratitude and eat so much food that they become lazy and fat then my servants will eat the mother and child."

When having heard the words of the great King of Fire I will tell him:
"I wish to lead all people to Heaven without regard if they have done good or evil. Altough my power is great, my power will be even stronger when people stop doing bad things like hurting others. If a person has done a million bad things, but then even as so does one tiny good thing then I will crush and remove all the effects of the bad things they have done"

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