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>> No.10452938 [View]
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>Learning how to implement patterns is key
Literally a foundation of my belief


>If one were to manage to reconcile all that is good (True) in an idea with all that is bad (False), the idea would be synthesized into a ‘Law’. I believe this kind of Law would be no less than any other scientific law, ‘Do A under B conditions and the result will be C’.

>I believe microcosmic laws can be applicable in parallel microcosmic situations, and also as macrocosmic guides to live by.

I started off calling them patterns, likening them to plaid. If something works it's like a tiny square, and it can be applied (if you whittle down the hubris and cultivate its truth) as a larger and larger square.

Beyond that, it's a serious meme to talk about quantum physics to describe bullshit.

I think it's an inherent goal to have your subjective viewpoint to conform with objective reality.

The egg gives is what gives birth to the chicken..
The evolutionary processes may have been slow. You may think and then act, which then gives birth to a new way of thinking.

We're kind of getting nowhere with this though.

Perception is different from reality. If you move perceive to have slowed then time is only slowing down for you.

Again, not getting anywhere right now.

I'm just illustrating models here and, until they're honed via the scientific method into truth, then they don't always hold much weight.

I'm up for talking about anything here and I'm down to keep going back and forth, but with the blog I'm just trying to talk about tangible things I can apply in reality.

I'm doing pic right now and it doesn't have me the most focused, but I really want to talk about

>One should view Humanities and God's goal as 1

In the beginning the goals of God and the goals of the individual are inherently opposite.

I see God as a de facto title, which is to say I see God as nature. The God of humans would encompass all of us. For the sake of argument I'll be talking about the God of humans.

The goal of God is the greatest good for the greatest amount of people.
The inherent goal of the individual is the greatest good / happiness for himself.

The end result of a human achieving this goal is complete control of other humans.

The best way to achieve a good / happy outcome in any situation is to have control over it. Power.

Money is the most tangible form of power in society, but people remain the biggest source of it.

The best way to ensure power over people is to have them give it to you voluntarily. To essentially have them completely love and worship you. This is the only way they'd put their complete effort into exercising your will. In order to keep them exercising your will, they'd have to be completely fulfilled in doing so

As of now, God (of humans) is basically insane. All of these competing consciousness' trying to find maximal happiness

This is where the wills of the self and God align

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