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>> No.21583172 [View]
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Psychic determinism is real

Some people unconsciously live out their most painful experiences again and again. Repetition compulsion, dissociation, or maladaptive ego defense mechanisms to name a few of these processes

The worst part, some people are prevented from self-actualization or realization of their true free will. That's also why modern suicide statistics are skewed way out of balance. If it's a pre-determined cause, there's a pre-determined solution to attain rather than huffing SSRIs

Seek professional psychotherapy
Best of luck

>> No.21026953 [View]
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"Fist fighting" the unconscious

>> No.21016483 [View]
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Is "confronting the unconscious" a mental illness?

>> No.20991390 [View]
File: 165 KB, 1200x1200, Carl Jung Old.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently, I'm reading Man and his symbols and Memories, Dreams, Reflections simultaniouslly.

I know I should save The Red Book and the Black Books for last. But I have no idea what to read in the intrum.

>> No.20931797 [View]
File: 165 KB, 1200x1200, carl-jung-9359134-1-402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Wash your inner penis."

-Carl Gustav Jung

>> No.20246030 [View]
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>The visionary experience is cloaked, in Dante's case, by the introduction of historical facts, and, in that of Wagner, by mythological events so that history and mythology are sometimes taken to be the materials with which these poets worked. But with neither of them does the moving force and the deeper significance lie there. For both it is contained in the visionary experience.

>> No.19919812 [View]
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Where do I start with Jung?

>> No.19539801 [View]
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>Jung felt that the spiritual suffering of his own father, who wanted to ‘believe’ and was no longer able to, was an image of the Amfortas fate. He writes: ‘My memory of my father is of a sufferer stricken with an Amfortas wound, a 'fisher' king whose wound would not heal - that Christian suffering for which the alchemists sought the panacea. I as a 'dumb' Parsifal was the witness of this sickness during the years of my boyhood, and, like Parsifal, speech failed me. I had only inklings’.

>> No.19460103 [View]
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I've had professors claim that Jung is unscientific and irrelevant and others claim that he's a misunderstood genius. I've been a fan of Jung's ideas for a few years now but I've never quite understood why he's disregarded by so many. I've heard the argument that "his ideas are descriptive but not predictive" which I find kind of bogus since the whole point of Jungian psychology is to understand yourself so that your personality can grow in the right direction. If Jung couldn't predict behavior then how could he change it?

>> No.19241131 [View]
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>What are some books that will convince me that Free Will exists? I'm really getting the feeling that I have no control over my environment
That's a metaphysical question and therefore unanswerable (at least in a 4chan thread), however what causes you to feel like you have no free will or general control over your life is psychological. That's not to say non-existent, rather the opposite, the answer lies in self-reflection.

Read Jung.

>> No.18897940 [View]
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Jung thread

>> No.18833658 [View]
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When are the Freudians on here going to finally bow down to their real daddy?

>> No.18713755 [View]
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you have to read The Red Book backwards and forewards and go crazy to understand it.

What did Jung mean by this??
Why so ambiguous?
Is he a coward?

>> No.18700631 [View]
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He would support trannies.

>> No.18682447 [View]
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I have a copy of interpretation of dreams and modern man in search of a soul. I know one is Freud, but what should I read after both.

>> No.18653557 [View]
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>Hegel was a psychologist in a philosopher's garbs, as I am a philosopher in a psychologist's garbs.

>> No.18624919 [View]
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>blocks his path

>> No.18452053 [View]
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Wash your shadow bucko

>> No.18448133 [View]
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I'm reading Jung and I'm about halfway through The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious. Something doesn't seem clear to me. How does the psyche transform? I understand how symbols of transformation can be recognized but I don't understand the actual concept of transformation beyond a person discovering that they have motivations which were previously unconscious or someone conquering their fears. Jung seems to describe transformation as having expanded consciousness but I don't see how a person is faced with a limitless frontier of psychological challenges.

>> No.18412172 [View]
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I want to read books in their original language. Since it's such an undertaking, im being careful with which language I start with. German, French, Latin and Spanish strike me as the most possible. I am leaning towards German, however I've been told that it is significantly more difficult than the other 3. As I have always struggled with languages, I am worried it would not serve me best to begin with it. Unfortunately, all the books I want to read are in German. It's a real quagmire friends.

Has anyone any advice or experience trying to learn a language just to read? Are any of the above languages significantly better harder/easier to speak than read?

>> No.18395028 [View]
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>I don't trust my body and mind so I let others brainwash me with their jargon
Read Jung, also; low IQ take

>> No.18351107 [View]
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Now wait just a minute there, old friend, your making salient the sexual is sadly reductive. Dare I say, you have a complex?

>> No.18332382 [View]
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>when I was five years old I had a dream of a giant penis sitting on a golden throne, but I never told anyone this until I was 65 it was my deepest secret lmao

How can anyone take this charlatan seriously?

>> No.18231789 [View]
File: 166 KB, 1200x1200, 928B4255-72A2-4EC8-B905-79F1608A2E10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That you Freud?

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