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>> No.13853496 [View]
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OP here, I approach them if they seem in a calm mood. If they are doing anything I first ask 'Hey you occupied' the reply they give doesnt matter because I then follow with 'Because your beauty occupies the whole place' (It sounds better in Spanish, the language we speak the most in my country). And I then ask what's their name. Another one I like is one I read months ago from some anon 'Hey, while you passed by your eyes were whispering beautiful things to me, except one, your name'. I have used the latter plenty and 8 out of 10 women get confused and either they go 'what' or simply make an annoyed face and ignore me. It makes me sad because it sounds so sweet too.

If I don't start with a pick up line I usually ask a random question pretending not to be from the city I live in. I wasn't born on this city either but I have lived here for a decade.

After their name, they either completely shut down, at which point I say 'oh, don't mind me, I just wanted to give you a compliment, have a nice day'. If we keep talking I ask where they are from, what brings them here, I add another compliment about how I was thinking about whatever until I saw their face and it flooded my thoughts with how interesting they looked. And then I ask for a phone number.

I have gone with everything after this point, emojis, another compliment, another pick up line, one of my best photos, me saying 'your smile was so sweet the whole time', and none of them worked, I have given up and now all I say is 'Hey what's up, it's me anon.' And they take a loooooong time to respond, almost always with no interest.

I have had a couple gfs (like 4), it saddens me because I am 19 and I think I am already fucking ugly to women. I only have had sex once, it was a single mother on Tinder who always talked about how great it was I had a good paying job so young. I feel ashamed.

There has to be anons here who made it, I want to be happy like you.

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