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>> No.6773137 [View]
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I value human life and I want to prevent as much rape and murder as possible. What kind of fucking moral high ground are you pretending to have?
>I rest my case
Behold, the conviction of someone who doesn't want to think.
>life is good regardless of the bad
Truly spoken like someone with first-world problems.
>remove one side of the spectrum and you fuck it all up
>'equal and opposite reaction'
>always a price to be paid
This, children, is talking out of your ass. Tell me, scholar, should we give up on agriculture? Having an abundant, regular food supply must be damning us to some 'equal and opposite reaction.' How about medical science? How about frickin' light bulbs, would being able to read at night doom humanity because being able to see after the sun goes down would 'remove one side of the spectrum'? Everything we have today is built on the shoulders of giants who fought against opposition and dire odds in their own time to bring us a world better than the one they lived in, and you're carrying on the tradition of hindering progress because you're afraid it will anger the gods of some karmic scale where fortune and misfortune are perfectly balanced. Life is not fair, sometimes people are born, live, and die in misery, but the fortunate flipside is that if people are always happy there is no physical consequence. The universe plum don't give a shit if you're fasting or cutting yourself 'just so I can feel unlike those brainwashed sheeple'.
>BNW even goes to lengths to show this
please PLEASE give me a good example.
>claim someone using a computer and internet to defend sophomoric views of science fiction probably can't comprehend the poverty, hunger and violence that is the reality of millions
>Makes no claim to the contrary
>Gives bogus 'Shut up! Y- you don't know me! You can't prove I live in a developed country with enough money and leisure time to read scifi, so you're wrong!' argument to ignorance.
I think I know what's going on. That pain you feel in your head is called 'cognitive dissonance.' It's the stress of being confronted with evidence that contradicts prior beliefs. I'm not blaming you, a lot of college students would tell you to think about BNW like that, but can you give any solid, falsifiable reason that a happier world would be a bad thing?
>you're bad, and you should feel bad
spoken like a true high-minded simpleton convinced of their own wisdom.

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