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>> No.19342698 [View]
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>the reference to taking the mark on the right hand or forehead refers to action and thought characterized by the spirit of antichrist.

Yes, exactly. The right hand represents action and the forehead represents thought, willing, and the like. This is a common allegorical reading of this famous section from the Book of Revelation, and it eerily represents what’s happening. A system is being set up to prevent people from buying or selling unless they do (with the right hand) or think (with the forehead, symbolically) as they are told. Here’s some fascinating passages from an interview with Catherine Austin Fitts, retired investment banker and former US Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (H.U.D.) for Housing under George H.W. Bush:


>As explained by Austin Fitts, the vaccine passports create a platform for a digital transaction system that documents and tracks all transactions. Once combined with a central bank controlled digital currency, they will have the ability to block transactions.

>If government doesn’t want you to purchase anything more than �five miles from your home, they have the ability to prevent you from doing so. If they don't want you buying pizzas, they have the ability to prevent you from buying pizza.

>So, how can the average person resist this diabolical plan? One strategy would be to move to a state or country that has made vaccine passport requirements illegal.

>Another strategy is to simply refuse the passport, no matter what the rami�cations.*

>This goes for those who have gotten one or two COVID jabs as well. To maintain a valid passport, you’ll have to take boosters. How many are you willing to take? How many times are you willing to risk your health and life? At some point, you’ll have to make the same decision as everyone who is unvaccinated — freedom or slavery.


>Complete control is: You're on a smart grid that's under 24/7 surveillance and subjects you to all sorts of propaganda and mind control, and they have the power to literally turn off your money if you don't behave. That can be managed with software, AI and a smart grid [through the vaccine passport and CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency)] ...

>I would describe it as a slavery system ... They can literally collateralize a human being and connect it to the banking system, and they can stop all violent revolution once they have everybody basically digitized and on a �financial transaction control system ...

>I think it's a terrible mistake. But I think they ... don't know what else to do. If we're going to get out of this, one, we need to just say no and refuse to go into the box. The other is we need to bring transparency where we can all change. Because we do need a reset. If we keep going the way we're going, it's not going to work.

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