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>> No.21209640 [View]
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ITT: Books that made you cum

>> No.21204157 [View]
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This is the book that unironically convinced me completely without sarcasm that book burnings can be in some instances absolutely justified

>> No.20903548 [View]
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>Hebephilia is... LE BAD!

>> No.20234356 [View]
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I love girls

>> No.20013857 [View]
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Does anyone know any novels similar to Lolita?

>> No.19899756 [View]
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Is reading a good way for people to take interest in you? Like if you see someone reading a book you like or are interested in, will you talk to them? I figured it would be so I started reading picrel in the quad on campus and before my classes start but nobody has struck up a conversation yet. Perhaps something a little popular? I have a copy of the quran that I haven't read yet; perhaps that could work to pick up some arab qts.

>> No.19558432 [View]
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The most popular book among Catholic Priests.

>> No.19477686 [View]
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I'm about to start reading lolita part 2 alone in a fucking parking lot kek i can only stomach it by morphing into a 13 year old myself and just mocking it it has one of the strangest turns I've ever fucking expirienced in a novel right in the middle

>> No.18777429 [View]
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>> No.17980687 [View]
File: 90 KB, 304x475, 22DF9267-C1E7-4270-891A-93E20C454082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do men write the best little girls in books?

>> No.17001608 [View]
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Why does no one writes kinos like pic related anymore?
>Lolita, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul.
Still the best opening hook of all time

>> No.10509957 [View]
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The Lolita cover you've used is like among the worst covers. Use either pic related or the one of just the smiling lips.

>> No.5351126 [DELETED]  [View]
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Just bought this version. Guy I bought it from said it's the same ISBN as the lips cover version. Looking on line it looks like everyone has the lips cover one. Are they the exact same or should I audible.

>> No.5350991 [DELETED]  [View]
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I just bought this. Seller said it's the same ISBN as the one with the lips cover. It's the same version right, everywhere online all I see is the lips cover. I bought this version because I liked the cover, but I hope I didn't get sheckled into buying a shitty or abridged edition or something.

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