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>> No.8924733 [View]
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First of all let me apologize for my cranky behavior. I could say it's because of lack of sleep and overwork, but I think it's as much to do with the general hostility and adversarial discussions I've had on /lit/.
I'm sorry.

>TELL ME THE FUCKING STEPS. At what point would your system kick in? How would you except a large uneducated populace to adopt this system?

The Step you ask: Being still just a novice myself, I don't know what some thinkers first steps should be. I do know many are living as close to the general anarchist lifestyle as they can. The self employed, the organic gardening commune, the motorcycle gangs, tax dodgers and recluses in their cabins. It's difficult living, trying to get away from it all.
In getting the ball rolling, education and conversion will have to be prioritized. If this can win at all it will have to be by superior numbers. I mentioned our interconnectivity earlier, implying computers and smartphones are already exposing the truth to increasing numbers of people that the MSM and a number of supporting bloggers are nothing more than corrupt propagandists for corporatists and state.
There are also a number of small systems in place. Most of which I learned from Gar Alperovitz's America Beyond Capitalism. The idea of co-ops have been around forever, but the media simply ignores it for the most part (I was surprised to see it in Les Mserables) Community watch programs in place of police, charity on the verge of a barter system
A big leap would be for people to take extra-legal steps, such as striking in spite of their contracts. If we could get something like a whole state (or more) to mock secede, recommit to the rule of law of the constitution. Implying that the rulers in DC are breaking with too much of it. A giant slap in the face, but with a hug at the end.

Alright, getting sleepy again. I'll come back to it and answer more and any further questions later.

>> No.8921007 [View]
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> We're in unprecedented times of inter-connectivity and staring into environmental collapse. Just because you perceive that nothing has ever changed doesn't make it so.

TELL ME THE FUCKING STEPS. At what point would your system kick in? How would you except a large uneducated populace to adopt this system?

>Spooks. Property is what you can have, what you're using.

You didn't answer my questions

>not to forget the wars fought for the fossil fuels your city uses
And please tell me what those wars were?
Also considering the make up of my area there would be even more wars under your system.

> Capitalism caused the "white flight" IE the middle-class flight

And how did it do that

>I hope for what is possible, however unlikely.
Because it is unlikely. It's all based on human benevolence

>You are so damned sure it's impossible that you make it so.

Because it would not work in any city near me. In fact unless my community was able to form a volunteer milita to combat the ghetto gangs and actually find a way to redistribute my city would collapse into violence.
I understand a lot of what you're saying and I know of places where it could work but I do not see it working in my area

>This sort of mindset has brought us to the brink of our species demise

Our species is at the highest population in history

I understand a lot of what you are saying and I agree with some of it.
I know of towns where such a soceity could work but I don't see your ideology eorking in my area

Just so you know I'm not a capitalist. I detest the individualistic hunger for wealth it creates and the way large companies abuse human rights. I am a quasi Strasserist. I would bighly recommend you look into strasserism and if you want to look more into anarcho-socialism I would recomend anything by chompsky and the works of Peter Kropotkin

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