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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.23193489 [View]
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The suffering is intended. Canada is occupied by a foreign force.

>> No.23065425 [View]
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Our gulags are on the street so nobody notices, and if you DO notice, the socially acceptable thing to say is "harm reduction" which means free drugs and gulags on the streets.

>> No.22949066 [DELETED]  [View]
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The drug policies are designed to eliminate the misfits, we don't need gulags or concentration camps because that is what our streets are for. It also acts as a deterrent to the younger generations who are thinking of any rebellious thoughts.

In history, we had public hangings and things like the gibbet to act as a warning to others, and in modern times we have homeless people, drug addicts, and visible grinding poverty to keep people motivated to stay on the treadmill. To be any sort of conscientious observer and commentator on modern life is to notice these things, especially post-COVID where the spirit of rebellion has been so totally broken. The only "free range humans" anymore ARE the crackheads, which is why the drugs MUST be poisoned to remove those misfits from modern society.

I know we might not agree on this subject, but the drugs are poisoned and poverty is setup in a way so that people who don't conform are killed slowly. I've experienced it myself during and after COVID, and surely without my baby momma on my side, I would've been in a tent myself! Gas stations would not even hire someone unvaxxed. I was very lucky, but I understand most people aren't.

Having lived in the neighbourhood down there for 6-7 years, I got to know a bunch of locals, and during the years of 2014-2015, I think about 7-8 people I knew died from fent in the cocaine, and two other young women I knew ended up becoming drug addicts and prostitutes to feed their addictions. These weren't hardcore street addicts, these were normal people who, mostly, moved here from other parts of Canada and got caught up in the lifestyle, made a few wrong choices, and ended up addicted to painkillers and benzos. Even Jordan fucking Peterson was completely fucked by benzos and nearly lost his life. Drug use tends to target the highly intelligent, and all of the most intelligent people I've ever known have all been keenly interested in getting high. Me too! I have grown older and it seems like drugs are a trap for the thinkers- because government doesn't need thinkers, it needs workers and warm bodies, not people who are intelligent enough to see the system for what it is.

>the magic is gone.
Where even IS the magic anymore?

It feels like we are on an alien planet compared to the Canada of just 10 years ago.

>> No.22921107 [View]
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I'm 45, when you talk openly about how much better things used to be, people look at you like you're completely unhinged. For every luxury tower I see go up, I can find equal numbers of new homeless camps and human destitution. We produce no local culture at all anymore, but nobody else sees it?

>> No.22746687 [View]
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Sorry, I have my first nasty cold since COVID in 2021 and my brain is running at like 50% and I didn't quite get your other post.
>My point is that beyond big cities, communities just dissappear.
Even in big cities, communities, if you're white, are few and far between and, in general, extremely conformist compared to 10+ years ago.
Post-COVID I only have experience at bars and pubs, because I have zero interest in making friends. I have a family so I don't really need to build a social circle anymore for the purpose of finding chicks to bang, but from the socializing I have done, it appears to be much less organic than ever before. People really can't put down the phones and most people are struggling to afford rent and food, let alone have money to socialize with and a desire to create community.
>why did I post a hipster image
From the 00's to the mid 10's, bartenders, part-time workers, artists, hobos, scene people could afford rent in bohemian neighbourhoods and the social scene developed around neighbourhoods. Now, it seems, social scenes develop around online spaces and interests more than geographical location. This filters out people because who you are online is, generally, not who you are in person. I find people in person tend to really like my company as I'm outgoing and mostly happy-go-lucky, but online, I do tend to just talk shit and tell it like I see it, which does NOT go over well. Especially during COVID when I said "the vaxx is total bullshit, never going to take that jew juice" and things like that.
>PUAs just dont talk about how communities don't exist anymore, but they can reiterate the past because that's all they know.
I think PUAs are interested in making money over giving any real logical, practical advice to help others.

>> No.22739826 [View]
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Vancouver bros, rise up!

>> No.22633315 [View]
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13,000+ dead from poisoned drugs since 2016 just in British Columbia alone. Mostly white, mostly male, mostly middle aged.

>> No.22524178 [View]
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You win, Bret, you win!

>> No.22513234 [View]
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Holy fuck this board is nothing but garbage!

They took over everything:
>higher education
Ever notice there is not one single "cool" person /lit/ can rally around? The closest thing is BAP and everyone knows in 2023 he's a jewish subverter.


>> No.22505937 [View]
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I've already lived the dream
>driven all the cool cars I wanted
>fucked 100's of chicks
>reached the pinnacle of cool before the woke began

I'm just tryna shitpost in 2023 and the ENTIRE SYSTEM does not want anyone dissenting at all.
Like okay, even if my writing is 1/10 and I'm such a shit writer, at least I'm screaming to the void asking where are all the GOOD dissent writers? I can't be the only guy out of 40 million Canadians that writes fiction that tries to poke fun of the society we're living in.

Where are they? I seriously cannot find anyone out of 40+ million people who dissents at all. Seems a bit strange, no?
>stuck in the narrative
It seems that anyone who wants to make money off writing in 2023 has to participate in the "libreral vs conservative" narrative, as there is simply no other point of view allowed. The strangle hold on culture is so overt.

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