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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.23492135 [View]
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for all intensive porpoises
have sex

>> No.22973951 [View]
File: 557 KB, 1106x1012, pepe screen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I specifically took a part time job and lived like a miser while during it so I could spend all my time working on my creative hobbies- mostly D&D and video game shit, with the specific goal of making my own video games with my excess of spare time. I started this about 10 years ago.

I have still yet to open a single game engine or to publish a single module. That's how retarded I am.

>> No.22002591 [View]
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The Charlottesville people were clearly saying "YOU will not replace us" though, not "JEW will not". How could he mishear that?

>> No.21992758 [View]
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No. Why would I ever do that?

>> No.21520028 [View]
File: 557 KB, 1106x1012, screen+shot+2015-07-30+at+2.31.57+pm-3219057067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is fascist lit actually good?

>> No.20887029 [View]
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how do i expand my vocabulary

>> No.20859091 [View]
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> Be me, read books and for some reason an aura of strangeness starts to surround me when I am among normies because they know I read. I am the guy that "reads strange things".
> Never really cared about that.
> One day, read Nag Hammadi library and find it cool
> Decide to talk about it to my normie folks
> They listen while staring at me with eyes wide open and with a rare glare in their eyes. They just nod affirmatively about everything I say.
> I stop talking and they change subject as if I said nothing.
> Time goes by and meet those folks again, in middle of conversaion one of them says: Yeah, like the crazy shit you talked that time, brah the things you read.
> Never talk about what I read since then.

>> No.20766222 [View]
File: 557 KB, 1106x1012, C9FC79C0-9B3C-4E50-A765-DFAA3999F91C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have such an extensive backlog but I just want to read War and Peace again

>> No.20501038 [View]
File: 557 KB, 1106x1012, C9B0696F-71AF-4E0C-9DB8-5481704B283A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Read a lot
>Despite this, I genuinely cannot think of more than 3 or 4 books I would consider to be personal favourites

Is anyone else like this? I don’t understand how people can name their own personal top 10 so easily. I don’t have this problem for other mediums, strangely enough.

>> No.19995279 [View]
File: 558 KB, 1106x1012, ifunny_187reddit_999download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have never read a book in my life.

>> No.19914995 [View]
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How do I know if my writing is good or not?

>> No.19873267 [View]
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>nature took it's course

>> No.19588156 [View]
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people still write poetry?

>> No.19587990 [DELETED]  [View]
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I want to write a book but I am too dumb to come up with any original ideas. please help me. my favorite genre is medieval fantasy followed by sci fi. I already know how to write.

>> No.19069969 [View]
File: 558 KB, 1106x1012, 55ba87b8dd0895c81c8b4581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>God created everything, therefore He created Evil
>No He did NOT!
>So there are things in this world which God did not create?
>Ye- NO! Actually, Evil doesn't exist, it's just the absence of Godliness. The absence of a thing can't be a thing in itself!
>OK. Why didn't God fill that gap of Godliness in His creation if it's so thoroughly vile to Him?
>Because God wants us to seek Him of our own free will! He wants us to fill up that gap of Godliness!
>So you're God's experiment in creating entities with a capacity for Evil to see if they'd love Him, even though He's capable of creating entities without Evil?
>Even though Evil is vile to Him?
>Even though He is omniscient, and would know the answer to that without carrying out the experiment that is your imperfect design?
>Ye-..mmh.. Yes
>Why would He intentionally create an imperfect world if He hates imperfection so much in the first place? What's the point? Evil is antithetical to Godliness after all, and so a thoroughly Godly entity would not tolerate its existence
>.......W-We don't know. God is beyond the limits of our knowledge.
>But you seem to know of God's cosmic experiment of love that is your existence
>Well, not EVERYTHING God does is beyond our knowledge, much of it has been revealed to us!
>"much", huh?
>Fine. "some".
>Then how can you know God so well as to make these claims with absolute certainty?
>What, would God lie to me?!
>Are you claiming that you know the totality of God?
>Why couldn't he? Is He not beyond all of your knowledge? Or do you claim to be a judge upon God? Who are you to decide what Good and Evil are in relation to THE perfect being? Are you saying He is beholden to the same standards as you, an imperfect being, are?
>............Hm. Yeah, true, I knew that haha, God is beyond Good and Evil. You wouldn't get anywhere trying to make judgements on His actions.
>Then how do you know for sure that God is testing your potential capacity for Godliness by designing you with a lack of Godliness?
>Well, Why else would he do it? That's the only logical conclusion
>Your logic of an imperfect being is enough to encapsulate the All-Perfect God's will?
>OK fuck off, even if God's will is an enigma, I know that He loves me. Why else would He send His very own son to die for my sake?
>Because sacrifice is an act that could only be motivated by love, yes?
>Of course!
>Are you trying to enclose God's will in concepts created by your imperfect intellect?
>Did we not just establish that God is beyond your standards and knowledge? And if we can't say what Good and Evil are in God, then how can we say what Love is in Him? Wouldn't He be beyond "Love" as well?
>*anonymous has left the thread*
>i make poopy

>> No.18944002 [View]
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The internet is just electricity.

>> No.18899430 [View]
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>all of /lit/'s recommendations on philosophy are just primary sources with no secondary sources
You guys do know this isn't how philosophy is actually studied, right?

>> No.18885214 [View]
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Plato was a novelist. You cannot argue against this.

>> No.18775435 [View]
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I don't know which is worse, tradcatch larpers or tradortho larpers. Internet Christians were a mistake. They're just like your average internet asshole, but x100 more arrogant and self-righteous.

>> No.18775213 [View]
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>> No.18769945 [View]
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You do realise if we lived in a society with a technocratic hierarchy you would be at the bottom rung of it, right?

>> No.18769503 [View]
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Stick to your shit, whitey.

>> No.18374365 [DELETED]  [View]
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You guys curse too much and use the Lord´s name in vain too often. I am never coming back here, goodbye.

>> No.18122773 [DELETED]  [View]
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I had such high hopes getting into philosophy

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