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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.19726570 [View]
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This thread is for discussing the literary scene from each of our countries and asses the impact they had on the rest of the world.
Pretty good overall. We had some great novelists such as Liviu Rebreanu, Marin Preda, George Călinescu, Ion Creangă, Mihail Sadoveanu a few outstanding poets such as Mihai Eminescu and George Bacovia but very little in terms of philosophers besides Constantin Noica, Emil Cioran(if you can call him a philosopher) and Lucian Blaga.
The biggest issue we have is that almost no writters have made it overseas and we didn't have any writters to kickstart a new trend or latch onto any popular trends of their times. Cioran and Eliade managed to get some traction because they got out of the country and escaped the communist ban-hammer. The thing with getting your books banned in your own country usually means that they will end up in obscurity and commies loved banning books. Codreanu seems to be pretty popular in places such as this and I like to think that it's because of his sensibility and passion rather than "muh jews".
If I had to make a core Romanian /lit/list for foreign readers it would be:
>Poems - Mihai Eminescu
Core doomer lit. Most of his poems range from melancholic to downright depressing but any Romanian will tell you that his poetry is one of the most beautiful things ever written. There is one poem in particular wich I like called "La Steaua", it's about how the stars we see each night could be just an illusion made by the time their light has to travel to reach our sights, the stars themselves being long gone by the time we see them. Now Eminescu was born and died in the 19th century(1850-1889) so there wasn't any concrete scientific theory for this phenomenon at that time.
>Forest of the Hanged - Liviu Rebreanu
WW1 story from the perspective of a general. The story begins with an execution.
>Childhood Memories - Ion Creangă
The insane childhood spent in a village of Ion Creangă. Ion Creangă was one of the most based people who ever lived in Romania. He was everything from a writter to a journo, to a teacher to a pope.
>The Hatchet - Mihail Sadoveanu
It's about a village lady who finds out that her husband was killed on a trip. The lady takes her kids and goes on to search for his murderes. She(without knowing it) has a gogantic fucking brain and detective aptitudes. I find it very similar to a Dostoievsky novel.
Just don't start with On The Heights of Desspair.
>Mircea Eliade
You can either read his History of Religious Ideas, a book that does exactly what the title says. To my knowledge there are very few works on this subject and none of this scale. Or his occult fiction: Maitreyi, The Snake, Ms. Christine etc.
>For my Legionaries - Corneliu Zelea Codreanu
Needs no introduction here.
>Theater - Ion Luca Caragiale
The funniest Romanian writter and the best playwritter by a long shot.
>The Moromete Family - Marin Preda
A 1-1 representation of the Romanian life between and after the wars.

>> No.12007194 [View]
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Best language to learn to become /lit/erate?

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