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>> No.15049285 [View]
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When I think with my dick or sometimes even with my heart, I can feel for a while that I “love” a woman if she’s average or above in looks. When I really use my mind, however, and make an effort not to just think with my dick or my temporary emotions, I can usually see that the woman I’m attracted to is not necessarily super special. Ironically, the women I respect most are usually those who have lost their sex appeal or don’t base their entire personality around their sex appeal — much older women and family members, nuns, etc. Maybe you could call this a “Madonna-whore complex,” but I have known of and experienced young women today acting in totally and hilariously immoral ways, although of course, because of some strains of modern “feminism” and “sex-positivity,” they of course view themselves as “enlightened strong women.” Had a friend, for example, who didn’t get his first girlfriend till he was in college. This girlfriend he got was not at all attractive — in fact, short, ugly, and fat, if I’m going to be brutally honest. My friend, on the other hand, was decently good-looking. This girlfriend of his first started out by making fun of him and suggesting he was weird for not ever having had a girlfriend or sex until then. Later, he found out that she was sending nudes to about 5 different guys on the side while still dating him and telling him she “loved” him.

Of course, not all women are like this. But the fact that traditional gender values and norms around sex have totally fucking collapsed and some in the West are even trying to invert them in just a few generations means that, understandably, some men today are wary of women, casual sex, and dating.


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>> No.12283069 [View]
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>> No.10166980 [View]
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>> No.10135579 [View]
File: 267 KB, 800x820, youhavetogoback.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back to grade school.

>> No.9698801 [View]
File: 267 KB, 800x820, b93.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Out, out out...

>> No.9447380 [View]
File: 267 KB, 800x820, goaway.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nationalism is a byproduct of property, the individual's tendency towards tribalism (and related initiations), and man's natural extension of his identity into his environment. It was not 'invented,' it's a symptom of a homogenous cultural identity.

Tribalism has ostensibly existed since before our species. Just to put it into a closer context you could say since mankind was inbred family groups who wandered Africa, the Near East, and Europe. If you really want to understand Man's projection of himself onto his environment and his emotional investment in the space he has ritualized and made sacred, read Bachelard and Eliade. If you want to know how the phenomenon of nationalism has been used to control the masses, read Bernays or Hitler.

>I bet some old rich white guy or a Jew conceived of it

You have to go back. >>>/pol/

>> No.9310104 [View]
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>> No.8112589 [View]
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>Shilling for illegal immigration and no borders
Are you retarded or just a spic? As for the wall there are several ways Trump could go about it.

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