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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.23298654 [View]
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of what i've read...

>Moby Dick
masterpiece, not much more can be said - only worthy competitor I can think of is Don Quixote for the ideal novel

A fantastic family drama, though it's been a hot minute since I've read it - the more authors I read the farther Dosty starts to fall into the background for me.

>The Bible
the foundation of all Western literature? does this even need a rating?

The other most perfect novel - just read the DQ/Nabokov pasta if you want a great summation

it's pretty perfect, I don't care how many annoying tiktokers "discover it" - can't be ruined

fun entry read but has slipped my mind these last couple of years

Overrated to an extent, great prose but even then doesn't compare to other titans in the language like Joyce or Melville. Speaking of...

The novel taken to its logical conclusion - by far the most enjoyable work where the form exists at its experimental zenith

Overrated, great introductory book for reading but every subsequent Dosty is better (idiot, demons, bk)

Few titans of literature could account for a modicum of their own influence being comparable to borges - essential

Have only read inferno, feels idiotic to rate this one

>Paradise Lost
same for divine comedy

>Lord of the rings
great little epic, if there was to be one for the modern eras I'd say this one compiles only the best for a younger audience

>The Stranger
same case for stoner

>The Odyssey
Same for the bible

Given the title of "essential post-modern text" but I've personally found more enjoyment from his contemporaries (Barth, Gass, Gaddis, Hawkes)

Loved it when I first read it but am starting to find its brightness dimming for me the more I read, similar case for stoner/stranger but would read again over those

>Master and Margarita
read the burgin translation - wanted to like it more than I did

>Pale Fire
same case for lolita, though a hell of a lot more interesting

amazing faulkner but not best faulkner

>Absalom, Absalom
best faulkner

>The Recognitions
Better than GR, ironically though reads far more like the fluid and elegant modernist tomes than it does a lot of the "post-modernist" drivel that unfortunately spawned from the likes of DFW, Eggers, Franzen, etc.

>The Idiot
Better than C&P, not as good as BK

Essential, criminally overlooked - better than BM

>A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
The greatest kunstlerroman - my personal fave book

>American Pyscho
Does this really belong on the same level as tartar steppe, les mis, to the lighthouse, and fucking gilgamesh? great movie but this is airport best-seller fiction, doesn't belong

>As I lay dying
second best faulkner, but on some days is best faulkner

>Brave New World
The only "high school curriculum" book I would still reread

Want to read:
Storm of steel
Book of disquiet
In Search of Lost Time
Man Without Qualities

>> No.13966504 [View]
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Who or what got you into reading anon?

My memory is kind of fuzzy but I remember being interested in the book fairs at my school. As well as when an author or two spoke at our elementary school library.

There was one author who wrote a series that was actively following that came to the school. I still remember the car ride home and trying to come up with a story in my head based on the things she said about writing.

This warms my heart, but I just remembered that my parent's told me that if I ever wanted a book that they would pay. Would never have to do chores or anything. That was actually really cool.

What about.you?

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