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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.17551337 [View]
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A few titles from the ISIS reading list for current affairs. Features all sorts of writers from Noam Chomsky to Ron Paul

David R. Loy, “The Religion of the Market”

>One of the most influencing religions today is one that most may not commonly refer to as a religion. Economics and its object of worship “the Market”, David Loy argues in this brief paper for the Journal of the American Religion Academy, is more akin to religion than it is a science. The paper can easily be found online.

Henry Kissinger, "World Order"

>Kissinger and Chomsky are complete opposites (with Chomsky rightfully calling Kissinger a war criminal). Nevertheless, this book is informative and offers historical insight to how the Westphalian order came about and the problems of keeping it or any international order.

Ha-Joon Chang, "Bad Samaritans – The Myth of Free Trade and the Secret History of Capitalism"

>One of the top critiques of the open market globalization that almost engulfs the entire planet. A well researched book which deals with the false doctrine of free trade and liberal capitalism that rich nations force on poor and ‘developing’ countries, and how the rich nations today did not become rich through the policies they submit the poorer nations to. I recommend reading the first two books mentioned above to gain a better understanding and appreciation of this book in question.

"John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt, The Israeli Lobby"

>The co-authors take a dive into just how much influence the Israeli (Jewish) lobby has on foreign policy in Washington. And it is a lot. And backed up by hard evidence.


>> No.17522349 [View]
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Linked at bottom. Thoughts? Includes people like Noam Chomsky and Ron Paul and Henry Kissinger

A few titles

David R. Loy, “The Religion of the Market”

>One of the most influencing religions today is one that most may not commonly refer to as a religion. Economics and its object of worship “the Market”, David Loy argues in this brief paper for the Journal of the American Religion Academy, is more akin to religion than it is a science. The paper can easily be found online.

Henry Kissinger, "World Order"

>Kissinger and Chomsky are complete opposites (with Chomsky rightfully calling Kissinger a war criminal). Nevertheless, this book is informative and offers historical insight to how the Westphalian order came about and the problems of keeping it or any international order.

Ha-Joon Chang, "Bad Samaritans – The Myth of Free Trade and the Secret History of Capitalism"

>One of the top critiques of the open market globalization that almost engulfs the entire planet. A well researched book which deals with the false doctrine of free trade and liberal capitalism that rich nations force on poor and ‘developing’ countries, and how the rich nations today did not become rich through the policies they submit the poorer nations to. I recommend reading the first two books mentioned above to gain a better understanding and appreciation of this book in question.

"John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt, The Israeli Lobby"

>The co-authors take a dive into just how much influence the Israeli (Jewish) lobby has on foreign policy in Washington. And it is a lot. And backed up by hard evidence.


Below is their English documentary on gold and the Petrodollar and the role of the House of Saud in the wars in the Middle East


>> No.14893313 [View]
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Muslims can carry knives. Or guns, that is considered laudable


>> No.14651171 [View]
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>Sharia limits wives to four, but he had more
Correct, that is because the limit is in the Surah an-Nur, which was only revealed three years before the Prophet ﷺ died, that is, after he had married all his wives. After the limit of four wives was revealed, it was revealed that Muhammad ﷺ could keep the wives he had, but that he was to take no more, and that his limit was not above others because even if he divorced some of his wives he could not take more (Qur’an 33:52).

>the stories are bad
It's mostly pslam-like prayers and legal injunctions. The narratives, mostly overlapping with the Bible but sometimes with other prophets, are not by any means bad, although they are narrated by Allah ﷻ, and so give a different perspective. If you read a good English interpretation like Pickthall or Arberry, you will find the narrations have much literary quality.

The Qur'an never suggests Mary (may Allah be pleased with her) is worshiped as part of the Trinity. It does accuse Catholics of worshiping Mary (may Allah be pleased with her) and Jesus (alayhe salam) alongside Allah ﷻ in 5:116, but this is not the verse which criticizes the Trinity; the verse criticizing the Trinity is the one which attack those who say *Allah ﷻ is three* (5:171).

There is no such site, he means islamqa.info. This is an extremely popular fatwa site, I personally really like it, but it should be known it is very much and explicitly a Salafi fatwa site. There are other major, non-Salafi fatwa sites to use, like islamweb.net, seekersguidance.org and islamqa.ORG

>> No.14458923 [View]
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Evil has no objective reality, it is a term for defying the law of Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala, who creates all good and evil. You are inferior to Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala. Resentment will get you nowhere for even that is impossible without His Will. You are inferior to Him, you are nothing, not even as lice are to you. He coulf obliterate you utterly and erase your ever having been from time itself and recreate you again a trillion times or other beings like you but more pleasing.

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