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>> No.18016917 [View]
File: 31 KB, 220x242, 220px-Chrysopoea_of_Cleopatra_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

April 26, 1986 V.I. Lenin Nuclear Power Station, Pripyat, Ukraine SSR

Phase 1
A cylindrical rod of Lead 202 (5.00g) stood as glass to a Kalashnikov against the staccato of energy discharged into the spherical Titanium core of Reactor 4-Au (shell thickness 0.50m). White light from the core camcorder luminesced the crystal, begetting refraction gradients of the entire visible spectrum (λ=395-622nm) upon its orthogonal facets - Bismuth 202 (4.76g) detected.
*Technician #4’s white latex gloves propagate a plethora of obnoxious frequencies as the condensate on the core thermometers glass guarding is rubbed away; reactor temperature stable (964C).
* The Geiger counter accentuates a faux-calm within the observation deck as its elongated ticks glaze over the unilluminated warning lights upon the multitudes of instrumentation (<400.0mrad).
Phase 2
A homogeny of Helium-4 and Lithium-3 (phase: gas, ratio 3:1) remains black after it is coerced into its critical temperature (1798C). Atomization of the superfluous gas onto Bismuth 202 yielded a smooth malleable metal, punctuated with red oxides- Francium 202 (3.97g) observed.
*Technician #4’s now bare hand skims condensate off right brow, his open hand fingering a gold orthodox crucifix as the needle treads over darker and darker reds (2791C).
*The Geiger counter’s repeating pattern of three short clicks to three long clicks pierces the reticence of the observation deck; cancer plausible (1201mrad).
*Call placed to Moscow, request to stop experiment denied.

Phase 3
Francium 202’s (3.46g) transmutation into Thallium 197 (0.97g) by successive alpha decay is evident by microscopic protrusions emanating from its silver faces (m=1600x). Thallium 197 instability (t1/2= 2.84h) promotes neutron decay into Thallium 196 (0.023g). New metal exhibits high propensity to react with Titanium. Core thickness reduced (0.26m), radiation shielding exponentially weakened (66%).
*Bright reds emanating from the warning lights drown the decks white fluorescence as the Geiger counter mimics hysterical chords of an air-raid siren. Radiation is beyond acute toxicity (10kRad).
Saffron hues crack the argent finish of Thallium 196 after undergoing positron absorption. Pure Gold 198 (0.0065g) elucidated from Reactor 4-Au highly radioactive (10kRad) and is not fit for human use for 1165.463 years. Reaction byproducts induce neutron release pass absorbable amounts, core meltdown imminent.
*Call placed to Moscow, not received, sender deceased.

What do you think of this style of story telling?

>> No.16163896 [View]
File: 31 KB, 220x242, ouro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only universal here is a slant of mind. the members of these schools hailed each other as brother and sister, not clergy and laymen. as long as you Got It, there's very little that could cause a schism, and even, those few schisms we have records of, were non-violent.

hegel's dialectic is a perfect description of the internal dynamics of what Marcion calls the "infernal cell" of the world, the interminable circularity of Being.

Hegel formalized the ouroboros

>> No.14639117 [View]
File: 31 KB, 220x242, Chrysopoea_of_Cleopatra_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14450167 [View]
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>> No.14421145 [View]
File: 31 KB, 220x242, 220px-Chrysopoea_of_Cleopatra_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To know our true condition, to realize that we are condemned to live under a fantastic mass of darkness, beneath oceans and successive circles; to know that man, atrophied and infirm, vegetates in submarine lairs like the proteus, that blind eel-like creature that lives in subterranean waters, naked and white (or rather albino, since white is still a colour, after all) ... to know this is the first step in Gnostic thought.

>> No.12043629 [View]
File: 31 KB, 220x242, ouroborous2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does this symbol mean?

>> No.11992713 [View]
File: 31 KB, 220x242, ouroborous2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

. Reality is the most inclusive domain. By definition, there is nothing outside reality. This means that reality is self-contained.

. Everything real enough to affect reality is already inside it.

. "Nothingness" [the Ain] is the ground-state of existence arrived at by stripping away the constraints of reality.

. "nothingness" is informationally defined as zero constraint or pure freedom, and the apparent construction of the universe is explained as a self-restriction [tzimtzum] of this potential.

. Since reality has a self-defined informational boundary distinguishing it from its complement (unactualized potential or unreality), it has recognizable content and structure.

. Since there are no distributed constraints to limit its content, "nothingness" is all-inclusive, infinite potential, and the source of all freedom.

. Reality is created by filtratively emerging from this potential by the process of telic recursion.

. UBT is "a realm of zero constraint and infinite possibility where neither boundary nor content exists."[1]

>> No.11477453 [View]
File: 31 KB, 220x242, ouroborous2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if thought can infer its unthought then it must that unthought thinking itself, or the unthought just is (the act of) thinking

>> No.11322362 [View]
File: 31 KB, 220x242, A5614BB8-87E5-4F87-8046-1BF9B84BF2FD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are not multiple souls. there is only one soul that takes on multiple forms. this “soul” is referred to as God in many religions. it is omnipresent, omniscient, and all powerful. the idea that you are an individual soul is an illusion. the doctrine I’m referring to is not pantheism, but rather panentheism. I don’t know how this one Godhead is able to be you and me and everyone else simultaneously, but that’s by design. it’s a paradox, a strange loop that created itself.

>> No.11262051 [View]
File: 31 KB, 220x242, ouroborous2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kant wanted to have his cake and eat it too: what is outside thought is essentially unknowable, but what is knowable is how this outside is represented (represents itself?) to us. kant intimated the nothingness of the world and nothingness of our conceptuality but couldn't go all the way: what for him was still rock-solid ground were the a priori schemata of representation that all cognition adhered to and made use of. a bare formality. content was arbitrary, is arbitrary, but the form of this content must be universal and changeless if it is always to be content.

cognition's noumenal limit is rendered impassable by the very structures that exist to understand it: this was kant's great unspoken insight, and what eventually hegel ran with.

if thought can think t = 0, then it must be, in some sense, the 0 thinking itself. the constant thinking and appropriation of a limit as Mind. pure negativity: Spirit. in a way hegel wanted to rescue thought from the clutches of its mechanistic bias, throw open the shutters on the musty cartesian cogito and the maddeningly unknowable = x's of the kantian transcendental realm. a return to a vision of the world as the blooming of God.

but hegel just tied the noose tighter: if thought is only ever its tarrying with its limits, then the absolute is only the immanent self-propulsion of thought. in other words, God is just the Sense that appropriates the = x to its own Sense. God is a circle in 0. God as the external gaurantor is dead forever, God is the tautology of Sense, the infinite articulation of simple sense-certainty.

it was hegel who described the circle, it was nietzsche and schopenhauer who did everything in their power to recognize the power of the Outside. but that's a story for another day

>> No.10894236 [View]
File: 31 KB, 220x242, 8478EC97-5DB1-4B6F-B985-E33387A9EC42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All following statements are true
>Circular reasoning is not fallacious
>All previous statements are true
Disprove this.

>> No.10714674 [View]
File: 31 KB, 220x242, IMG_0439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People always say Deleuze, but more than anything, Bataille.

Something like a collection of his essays such as Visions of Excess by Bataille. And Land's only published work at Warwick, The Thirst For Annihilation which mainly focuses on Bataille but discusses Kant, Hegel, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche and so if you're more familiar with the canon it'll give you his rigorous grounding before he started writing Gibson fanfic full-time.

>> No.10498924 [View]
File: 31 KB, 220x242, Chrysopoea_of_Cleopatra_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, you can say that God is everything and created everything (100%) or you can say that God is not everything, but can control all the "stuff of the universe" at will (50% God, 50% universal stuff that is morphed at God's will).

My question is...from where did the stuff come? From where did God come from?

I like this post. To me I just feel like....I dare say....God Himself is a paradox? Everything just feels so paradoxical. Truly, we are too far from God to understand his ways and it is foolish to strive to. We have human brains, and we are like dumb animals compared to Him. But I just have this aching feeling like even GOD doesn't have all the answers. All religions describe God as omnipotent....but what if he's not omnipotent? Have any philosophers or theologians speculated this?

So if God is the highest and he controls all in the universe, then we are like a massive garden and zoo to him which he loves dearly....did he make us so he wouldn't be alone anymore? When I think about this stuff, it makes me feel like we are so far from reality, living in such a bizarre dream world, dream within a dream, snake eating it's own tail Ooroboros, over and over again, time and time again.

And so....just live and enjoy life, praise the creator. That is all we can do.



>> No.9841930 [View]
File: 31 KB, 220x242, Chrysopoea_of_Cleopatra_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was heidy a non-dualist?

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