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>> No.21529099 [View]
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The use and abuse, so much is true. But there are other ways of engaging with history too, ways practiced by people much more advanced and refined than the current goblins.
I specifically like RG Collingwood's idea that history proper is the foundation of all humanities, and history proper is not cataloguing which King Ruckus III totally assraped the King Fuckus XII on the year 1234 of era 5 and why Fuckusians 3000 years later must genocide Ruckusians and take their clay, but specifically why Ruckus and Fuckus had beef in the first place: -how- and -why- they thought so that they behaved like we can reconstruct from the sources present.
Printing made-up narratives about bygone eras to further a local and temporary political goal is fine and dandy, but not capital aitch History, but propaganda.
History is the human mind developing and expressing itself in time. People study History as a way of studying the Mind by interpreting the artifacts and texts left by the precursors so as to understand their minds via their actions caused by their minds. Understanding their minds in development necessarily invokes understanding ours, and developing them too, especially so if our current minds would be found lacking or underdeveloped in comparison with actions and artifacts of more refined and powerful cultures.

Basically one can mine texts to find troons in history to produce pro-troon or anti-troon propaganda, or one may legitimately study how and why people would engage in travesty to know more about people - by way of studying what they were trying to achieve by travestry and/or what gave them the idea.

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