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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.8250208 [View]
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How do I increase my vocabulary?

>> No.6734583 [View]
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How do you write about adolescent relationships without it coming off as YA trite?

>> No.6599474 [View]
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>tfw meme-influenced writing will shape 21st-century literature

>> No.6589095 [View]
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Excerpt from a short story I wrote


“Claire.” I say. “what’s wrong?”
“it doesn’t seem like nothing.”
“I just wish Mom could’ve come with us.” She says, casting a blank look towards the waves.
“Me too.”
The blackness of the sky and the way that the stars litter it can leave an impression of alienation, and loneliness. An impression like that is often hard to shake, if ever able to be shook at all.
“When’s she gonna start feeling better?”
“I don’t know.” I say, looking down.
“Is she ever gonna start feeling better?” her voice shakes as she says this, as if each word were a separate wretch which she has had to will out of herself, despite her body warning her otherwise.
“I don’t know.” I reach over, and pull her close to me. She rests her head on my shoulders, and I can feel her feel as I feel. “Mom’s gonna be however Mom’s gonna be.” I say.
“What if how mom’s gonna be isn’t good?”
“Then we’ll be there for each other.” We always are. I know this, I know that all of us have something which we can hold onto until our dying breath.
“Aren’t you scared?” she asked.
“Of course.” I say. “I’m scared every time your mom feels bad. I’m scared every time we have to go to the hospital. But it’s okay to be scared, it’s supposed to be scary.”
“I don’t get scared when she goes to the hospital.”
“Why not?”
“Because I know that the doctor will take care of her, because that’s what they do.”
“That is what they do, you’re right.”
“But I’m scared she’s gonna start feeling bad when no one can get her to a doctor. Or when everyone’s asleep. I’m scared somethings gonna happen, and no one’s gonna be able to do anything.”
“I’m scared of that too.” I say. I can feel her lay her weight fully against me. My shoulder is going numb, and my back hurts, but I don’t move her.
“I don’t want to lose mom.”
“I don’t want that either.” There’s a lingering pause in the air. The moon is rotund and looming in the sky, and it seems as if it beams down at us. As if it’s face is looking solely at us, and has no interest other than us. No interest other than the two of us, sitting on the beach. And of Claude, laughing in the water.
“Daddy?” she says, peering up at me.
“yeah, kiddo?”
“Is everything gonna be okay?”
“As okay as it’s meant to be.” I say
“Oh.” She says.
“But you know what?”
“No matter what, we have each other.”
“You and me?”
“You and me. And all three of us. You, me, and Claude.”
“No matter what?”
“No matter what. Forever.”
“Forever and ever?”
“”Well,” I say, “Maybe not forever. But a very long time. As long as possible.”
“You promise?”
“I promise, kiddo.”
“No matter what?”
“No matter what.”
‘Okay.” She says.



read the entire thing if you have any interest, thanks.

>> No.6574645 [View]
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>> No.6365833 [View]
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write a fuck ton

Correct what you think is shit

write more

let others correct what they think is shit

Write a fuckton more

repeat until you get published or die or quit

>> No.6352677 [View]
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>tfw acting in 2 plays at your local (small theatre)
>tfw learning french, not anywhere near fluent but making good progress everyday
>tfw working your way through the works of both Faulkner and Hemingway (Finish a Faulkner book, read a Hemingway book, repeat)
>Tfw writing more and more everyday. knowing you're not anywhere near the best writer, but getting better every day. In fact, even starting to really enjoy some of the stufff you've written as of late
>Tfw in a casual relationship with a wildly intelligent qt with a phat ass whose favorite author is Virginia Woolf
>tfw she's started learning french too so you can practice together
>tfw stable job, and stable income
>tfw everything is good, save for a few minor problems not worth mentioning, bc life will always have minor problems no matter how serene the situation is
>tfw still manically depressed for no real reason, but can tell things are on the upswing and know that everything gets better in the end

>> No.5373968 [DELETED]  [View]
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>that glorious feeling when you realize 95% of people here have never read the authors they talk about
>that intoxicating feeling when you argue with people with no knowledge and makes them feel like fools
>that ecstatic feeling when you are patrician on this board simply for reading books

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