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>> No.19759980 [View]
File: 106 KB, 640x872, Antidepressants in a Nutshell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>I'm you're age anon and there might be other factors involved since I'm American but does meditation and dopamine detoxing actually get you anywhere?
I understand you've probably had more addictive garbage thrown your way your entire life since you're american, i mean, most of the food in your country is caked with sugar for literally no reason but to be addicting and unhealthy, even salads. So this is likely to be significantly harder for you, but yes, it's absolutely worth it.

I'm gonna sleep now cause it's late and i've done everything i wanted to do today, but some time of the day tomorrow i'll check this thread again if it's still up, if you want an elaboration of how to dopamine detox and achieve more mindfulness, just ask.

>I'm probably about as bad as you can get attention span wise
I'm pretty sure i was born with ADHD, i had its symptoms even with no internet bro, if it worked for me it probably will for you too. Even back as a kid, poor and having to work unusually young, i was erratic, prone to wandering off and very easily distracted when lacking the right conditions to trigger hyperfocus.

Never needed to take meds to deal with it though, good thing i never took them, just look at SSRIs and how, at the vaguest hint of being sad about your life, many shrinks will unnecessarily try to shove that down your throat knowing it's prone to cause a buffet of shit worth of symptoms for that person to eat later down the road? And will not solve the core issue at all? The greatest force in the pharmaceutic industry is dishonest profiteering pushed behind the curtains by the scientific illiteracy of the public. Do you really think adderall does not suffer similar issues from overdiagnosis and general unnecessity of administering it, outside of as a last ditch resort?

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