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>> No.21613725 [View]
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Your apprehension for talking is very similar to mine. I've never set up an appointment for counselling because I have always known beforehand that I don't really like talking about myself-- except "anonymously." Many times throughout my life I've had this desperate feeling that I want to ask for help, but there's nowhere to go because I don't actually want to be helped. What your counselor said, "that he didn’t think talk therapy would even work for me because I didn’t seem to want to talk, and asked me if I wanted to leave" is actually accurate for me. Therapy wouldn't work because I don't want to talk. I don't really know how to explain it.
I had one counselor a while back that I sort of liked talking to. But I never really wanted to say anything "real" and I eventually decided to lie and say I was getting better anyway because I just wanted to kill myself and get it over with.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I know how you feel bro. I hope you don't make the same mistakes I did.

>> No.21504148 [View]
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To illustrate my point, imagine a /fit/bro getting raped after gym. What happens to him if people know? Every action he takes from then on will be judged based on this single event. Rape will become the axis of his entire life. If he continues lifting, people will say "Aw... Look he's still trying despite getting raped" or "Look, he's trying to gain muscle... He really doesn't want to be raped does he?" If he decides to stop lifting, regardless of his motivations, the world will think "He just couldn't do it huh? He just knew he couldn't be strong." Any hobby he takes up after the fact will be judged in the same way relative to the event. Everything- every belief, every mannerism and idiosyncrasy, especially his political beliefs. If he remains the same, the world will think "Look how strong he is!" or if he changes, "Clearly his belief in Communism/Fascism/Left/Right results from a desire to..." or some other nonsense.
Everyone, whether they want to be supportive or derisive, will only be able to pity him or dance around the elephant in the room. Men won't be able to respect him in the same way, and no woman could look up to him. If he is lucky enough that no-one knows, it would be the one single secret that he should never tell. How could a woman feel protected by a man that couldn't even protect himself? How could a man respect a man that has had semen trailing down his thigh?
At least for women the vulnerability doesn't detract from her in any way. A man would naturally feel an even greater desire to hold and protect her- women would be supportive on equal footing. There is no expectation that she could protect herself, and indeed women are naturally weaker and more vulnerable. For women, it's horrible and a major tragedy, but for men it is disgusting and shameful.
There isn't really a justification for going so far to "break" a man. It's just barbaric, and the fact that this thread includes faggots that unironically post art of adult men bending over and molesting boys half their height is ridiculous. Modern liberals have been driven so far into this idea that they must normalize faggotry that they unironically condone rape and molestation.

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