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5.3 The Knowing Hypostases and the Transcendent

A being that has no parts or phases may have the consciousness of introversion and self-awareness
(in the later sections he seems to assign the IP as being self-aware and the Soul not, yet both are multiplicities)
- There would "be no real self-knowing in an entity presented as knowing itself in virtue of being a compound--some single element in it perceiving other elements

Whether the IP holds knowledge of externals or not should be examined

If the unalloyed IP is within the Soul, should we consider it a phase of the Soul?
- We are not the IP, we represent it in virtue of that higher reasoning faculty
- The IP enters from above us as the sensitive(Soul) faculty from below

"the We is the Soul at its highest, the mid-point between two powers, between the sensitive principle, inferior to us, and the intellectual principle superior"

The IP belongs to us and we to it, and awareness at once of ourselves hence

6 The self-knowing nature of the IP is different in the Soul
- Soul knows itself when it is in something else
- IP knows itself as self-depending

The Soul in which we live uses "persuasive probabilities" in it's search for intellection (kind of reminds me of the treatment of magic in 4.4)
- Soul attains self-knowledge through its highest phase, which is image, next to the intellective world of Primals and Reality

Intention of the IP is toward self-knowing and (maybe) the contemplating of God
- in this case knowing God and "His" power is the same as the IP knowing itself

In the IP, Being "is an (self-directed) Act"
- but Soul has a double phase of activity, one faces the IP, the other the externals

8 The intellectual realm antedates colour and shape and things like it
- rather is produced by intellective "seeds"

Soul has no permanence but by attachment

Soul can act as a medium for the IP for it's effective possession of it/seeing a perfect image of it
- the way to do accomplish this "phase" is to separate yourself from body/sense/desire/impulse/mortality etc., until only the "outrushing and indwelling" image of the "Divine Intellect" is left
- Anyone who does not have the strength to do this can start from "less fine degree" and work their way up
IP is a multiplicity
- It couldn't have self-vision if it did not have relative things to compare/synthesize/create dualisms
- the utterly undifferentiated makes no inquiries and has no immanence, transcends knowing and is undefinable

Knowledge implies desire, it is "discovery crowning a search"

Consciousness is a "conperception" acted upon a manifold
- 'I am a being', not 'I am that being'
- however, each item in the multiplicity will not be an object of intellection to us, taken bare and single (but Being itself is manifold within itself)

What is distinguishable about the "unalloyed" Intellectual-Principle?
Is there no omnipotence in the IP since it weakens in it's extension into Matter?

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