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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.17440703 [View]
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>Are there books capable of providing something of this caliber?

I highly recommend a collection of short first-person conversion stories called Spiritual Journeys, edited by Robert Baram. These are Catholic conversion stories. I note that I am a fan of these sorts of books, of which there are many, and this is one of the very best. It includes all sorts of stories from people in all walks of life.

There is no one path to adult conversion. Sometimes it happens very quickly, sometimes rather slowly. The Holy Spirit is endlessly inventive. Although there is no one, fixed path, reading such stories can open your mind and spirit to the operations of the Spirit in your life. (Indeed, OP, your initial post may be the result of what's called prevenient grace -- an initial, gentle movement of the Holy Spirit in your soul.)

It's currently out of print, but here is a link to reasonably priced used copies:

>> No.16477058 [View]
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>I wanna be a Christian, what literature should I read?

As a supplement to the other recommendations, I would strongly recommend reading conversion stories. There is no one path to adult conversion. Sometimes it happens very quickly, sometimes very slowly. The Holy Spirit is endlessly inventive. Although there is no one, fixed path, reading such tales can open your mind and spirit to the operations of the Spirit in your life. (Indeed, OP, your initial post is likely the result of what's called prevenient grace.)

There are many such collections. One of the best is called Spiritual Journeys, edited by Robert Baram. I HIGHLY recommend it.

Although out of print, here is a link to reasonably priced used copies:

If you'd like a book that sits squarely in the /lit/ camp, try: Thomas Merton, The Seven-Story Mountain. Merton was an adult convert who became a Trappist monk. He was also a very gifted writer. Seven-Story Mountain is a classic. People will be reading it 100 years from now.

Another very fine memoir by an adult convert is: A Severe Mercy by Sheldon Vanauken, an American whose conversion was triggered by his friendship with C.S. Lewis while studying at Oxford in the 1940s. Vanauken subsequently converted to Catholicism, as recounted in his follow-up memoir, Under the Mercy.

>> No.16404280 [View]
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>I've searched for God all my life and I've convinced myself he exists, I just don't think any religion in this world does him justice, I can't even explain why I just feel everything is too fake.
>I like the catholics for their culture and their prejudices but I can't believe with them.

Pray. Ask God for the grace to believe (faith is a gift of God's grace).

Consider reading - I really recommend that you do read - a book called Spiritual Journeys edited by Robert Baram, a very fine collection of conversion stories. Reading stories of this kind opens a window - in one's mind and spirit - to the process of conversion, which, as these stories make clear, can be remarkably varied.

The book is unfortunately out of print, but here is a link to reasonably priced used copies:

>> No.8801841 [View]
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In my own case, _The Habit of Being_, the collected letters of Flannery O'Connor, was very important in my conversion, but I think that was a somewhat idiosyncratic response.

_A Severe Mercy_ by Sheldon Vanauken is a fine memoir of a skeptic's conversion -- a very good book indeed.

May I suggest: ask God for the gift of faith. Make a conditional prayer even if you don't believe in God.

Eg, "God, if you're out there (which I doubt), please give me the gift of faith."

Try reading Michael Green, _Was Jesus Who He Said He Was?_ for a short, nicely written explanation of the historical case for Christ.

Link: https://www.amazon.com/Was-Jesus-Who-He-Said/dp/0892836245

You might also try an excellent book of Christian conversion stories titled "Spiritual Journeys"

Link: https://www.amazon.com/Spiritual-Journeys-Robert-Baram/dp/0819868760/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1475216399&sr=1-2

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