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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.11579484 [View]
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As is I, Psoid Froid, the greatest contemporary philosopher!

Praise me!

>> No.11555844 [View]
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>> No.11541139 [View]
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>Does not know about Circumstantialism nor Neo-Circumstantialism.

This, but unironically also.

There lacks tension in a sack of deconstructed shit; an utterly unworthy opponent.

>> No.11478996 [View]
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There can only be one: Psoid Froid.

>> No.11390217 [View]
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Me, Psoid Froid, the greatest living sophist, of course.
>Both are technically true: I am not #ffffff nor am I a guy; I am a God, temporarily blessing you mortals; count yourselves lucky, leaves.

>> No.11381341 [View]
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Psoid Froid's Humans Laid Bare Trilogyc, of course.

>> No.11321253 [View]
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Eh, I've been writing for 3 years now what you'd gobble up cuz it's so amazing. /lit/ whines about the lack of quality stuff a lot, but when an actual genius frequents you, you ignore him.

I'm almost done writing, wrapping up my last projects and then calling it quits. Not sure why I still visit this place, full of sad hopeless frogs.

>> No.11321225 [View]
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U wot m8

>> No.11321163 [View]
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Still despise him. He's Sir Manure and all he does is spit shit.

>> No.11290845 [View]
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Nah, prolly not. Only Psoid Froid'd merit is warranted despite his endless shilling

>> No.11261117 [View]
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Better than me lol, been going for 3 years, got 1 sale in recent months!

>> No.11249104 [View]
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A Salmon Amongst Trouts lol

>> No.11249035 [View]
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>Is there any poster in the whole of 4chan greater than I?
>I think not.

I think not.

I am Psoid Froid, the greatest contemporary philosopher, patron saint of rationality!

>> No.11248994 [View]
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haha I like this quote, ima use it

>> No.11245417 [View]
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I can't believe you leafs haven't caught on to my work yet. You literally talk about this stuff all day.

I literally wrote a series (The Elemental Series) involving Christianity & Greeks, logos & the Way.

One of few madly talented writers who is 'one of yours' you neglect. That's just fucking stupid.

Thanks for exemplifying the plight of the cretin, unable to perceive the obvious when it stares them in the face; if you want people who are actually talented, you need to support them.

If anything I am your unrecognized patron saint and will die due to your sins, figuratively and literally.

>> No.11209040 [View]
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haters gon hate, merit will remain great.

>> No.11162091 [View]
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>Patrician. Not enlightened by Psoid Froid yet.
>Can you be saved? Hard to tell.

>> No.11147706 [View]
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Only the great Psoid Froid shall bring us saviour!

'Memento Morri is a conjuction consisting of Memento Mori, ‘remember you must die’, and Morri, ‘the desire to capture fleeting experience.’ It is the summation of my view on what gives life meaning.

You’re such a sneaky little bastard, Psoid Froid, you with your wordplays!

Ha, t’is true! T’is true! I am the modern day Shakespeare for words are my play!

Without finitude there would be no meaning; we would never be able to miss anything. If we were unable to miss anything, there would be nothing to desire because it can all be obtained.
Meaning can never be permanently acquired; it must always be desired (and pursued) and can thusly only ever be partially fulfilled. Meaning is the longing for the perennially unobtainable, and the desire for (lasting) impact through fulfillment.'

Bit about 'without finitude' is shite, but the rest is profound.

>> No.11092724 [View]
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>> No.11079334 [View]
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Flowers For Algernon – Daniel Keyes

^ Perfect example of writing style suiting substance.

Love my own short stories too, of course.

>> No.11038335 [View]
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No, that honour is reserved for Psoid Froid.

>> No.11032765 [View]
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hail Psoid Froid, contemporary cynic & sophist

>> No.11019958 [View]
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Looking for Enlightenment? Should've read Psoid Froid instead.

'Most self-help books are flattering Goldfish flakes; colourful, attractive, and fun veneers ultimately devoid of any nutritional value beyond basic sustenance. The fraction of books that are not, cease their competitive advantage when the knowledge is too easily digestible and widely spread. To put it differently, the worst that can happen to a great self-help book is to become popular. A book can not at once be prominent, easily digestible, and applicable to the extent of producing a competitive advantage for the reader unless it (deliberately or not) obscures and/or—more nefariously—deludes.

Books that are both applicable and who hold a competitive advantage for the reader hide under the protective wings of taboo and obscurity. Few dare pierce taboo, many (rightfully) write off obscurity as drivel; drivel thrives in obscurity because stupid things said in a complicated way sound smart, even when they are in fact stupid.

The tricky part about obscurity is that you cannot ascertain whether something obscure is drivel until you’ve delved deeper into it; its complexity precludes at-glance valuation; obscurity’s merit only becomes apparent once it has been investigated. Obscurity is Schrodinger’s Merit.

Great self-help books that become popular can only retain their virtue of providing a competitive advantage when a large portion of the reader base does not gain accurate, applicable comprehension of the knowledge upon reading the book. Knowing this, act accordingly.'

>> No.11011242 [View]
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Excuse me /lit/arian, have you been enlightened by our lord and savior Psoid Froid?

"Tangent. The ultimate goal of any ideological movement is to convince other people of their ideas. Echo-chambering is what idiotic movements do. What is an idiotic movement, you ask? A herd following the flock down the cliff of oblivion."

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