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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.22269087 [View]
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>> No.22043933 [View]
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Combine this sentiment with George Bush, the Iraq war, and the dying gasps of the utterly bankrupt “religious” right fusionist Ronald Reagan boomer conservatism and you understand why new atheism caught on. There is a strain of American Evangelical Christianity that is so retarded and disgusting that I totally get why so many millennials went the other extreme and became Söy faggatron 9000s. None Americans will never understand what it was like to live in the literal idiocracy of the early 2000’s.
A country where people seriously argued that we should teach in schools that the Earth is 6,000 years old and evolution is fake because monkeys exist. American Evangelicals are just as insufferably stupid, moralistic and closed minded as the woke blue hairs the only difference is they are basically powerless now thank God.

>> No.21937726 [View]
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Books for this feel?

>> No.21928824 [View]
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>Hey fellow patricians, have you ever noticed how groups of young men tend to gravitate toward the same handful of stories? They're all about troubled men wading through hard times, questioning the nature of their existence, and wrestling with the great mysteries or whatever. When you really think about it, isn't this place exactly like Reddit?

>> No.21802445 [View]
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>Dungeon Cuck Carl

Please stop baiting newfags with this shit cuck LITRPG trash, its horrible, stop, go read something good instead

>> No.21653349 [View]
File: 617 KB, 617x676, 1674069326228554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this nigga out hear reading uploaded pdfs in tabletop simulator

>> No.21581378 [View]
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>Jacket Art by Shutterstock

>> No.20924470 [View]
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Today I had to come to grips on how socially retarded I truly am. I have recently partaken in taking some free classes primarily to lay off stress from doing work as well as enhancing my thirst for gnosis. Secondly, I wanted to put myself in a social environment for the first time in several years. Aside from absorbing the lectures, I felt immensely awkward among the classmates. When the time was convenient, I socialized with my colleagues and ended feeling dissatisfied about how apathetic I felt about the situation. I'm reminded of a passage from VALIS where Dick alluded to socializing in an insane asylum to talking to people on the bus. There's nothing really personal but the conversations; it's just something to do until the time comes to leave to our destinations. In a way socializing was always like this to me, but I thought that years of self-isolation had corrupted my memory. Turns out my memory is proven to be correct because deep down I am being around people is bothersome. I can appear competent enough to carry on a talk. I speak articulately, ask questions, listens to what folks have to say, etc. But deep down I see myself orchestrating theatrics. I feel no emotion and control my actions like an interloper imposter. I have questioned many times whether or not I'm a schizoid and this is one of them. The self-awareness of my behavior disturbs me, and the self-awareness of the self-awareness makes the feel all the worse. All the while as I start to partake in these classes I wonder to myself why I decided to take them in the first place. It feels like work, but it would not be work because I'm supposedly doing this out of pleasure. I have merely managed to exert more work for myself and justify it as fun/self-improvement/education, etc. I am reminded that Ted Kaczynski called what I am refereeing to as “surrogate activities.”

>> No.20782220 [View]
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Why are fantasy tropes so consistent throughout different types of literature?
For example, take Tolkien's LoTR; there are your typical human, dwarf, elf and urk factions.
Each faction has their own unique trait about them, for example, humans are the resilient but not technologically advanced type. They are reliable but they are not the best at everything, a jack of all trades.
Elves are what humans aspire to be; elegant, beautiful and deadly. Their signature weapon is the bow and elves are always more attuned to magic or nature.
Dwarves are what humans would be if they were perfect in the skill of crafting. Dwarves are always shown to be arrogant and grumpy while also being full of pride. This is something humans admire, making the relationship between dwarves and humans much better than the relationship between elves and humans, with the former looking down upon the latter.
Urks are the manifestation of being scourge of society, civilization is foreign to them and they wish to destroy it. They are the enemy of anyone who wishes to prosper in civilization.
Now let's compare this to another fantasy universe, say Warhammer Fantasy. Again, in this universe there are your human, elf, dwarf and orc factions. Each faction plays the same exact role as they did in LoTR.
Dwarves are the masters of craft while also having a close relationship with the humans.
Humans are humans.
Elves represent the pinnacle of civilization while also being the arrogant race that looks down on everyone else.
Orcs are the bane of civilization and each race would like to see them eliminated.
So, where did these tropes come from? What was the earliest mention of each of the factions and why do they persist in fantasy? Also, why are people not tired of seeing these same factions over and over again in different fantasy universes? Is it because they are somewhat believable?
There was theory saying that LoTR was somehow the real history of the Earth. Tolkien knew about this and was able to write his masterpiece.

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