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>> No.16876201 [View]
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If niggers could follow basic rules and act like literally any other race, then we wouldn't need to have our police constantly engaging in negro population control, or what the low t Marxists in the media refer to as 'excessive force'.

Niggers constantly bitch about how 'whites be raciss', but how come no other race faces as much 'systemic oppression' as the nigger? I'll give you a hint, it's because the nigger isn't quite like any other race. They're dumber and more violent than literally any other race, and all the available data on both crime rates and IQ confirms this fact. Even literal third world immigrants from Africa and Middle East are more educated, more successful, and less violent than the American negro.

>> No.16761356 [View]
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Blacks have higher crime rates and lower IQs than whites. When brown people migrate to Europe and North America we call them migrants and we praise their courage and extol the value of diversity. When Whites move to non-white countries, you people call it colonialism and you say that they are evil and racist.
You say that Whites have 'systemic control' over the global economy, the mainstream media, and the criminal justice system and you claim that racism and white nationalism permeate every facet of society even though there is no evidence to support this claim. You believe that a powerful network of 'rich white men' have omnipotent control over western civilization. If anyone presents evidence or data that challenges your views, instead of conceding that maybe the situation is complicated and nuanced, you choose to ignore the data. You will say that it is biased or that it doesn't account for all the possible factors. These are unfalsifiable claims, and they apply to some extent to any data source. All of human history, IQ testing, crime rates, etc. suggest that blacks have a lower IQ than any other race and all the data also suggests that they are more prone to violence.

When statistics or data make Whites look bad, you highlight the data and point to it as irrefutable proof of the 'systemic racism' conspiracy theory. However, like I said before, if the data conflicts with your views, then the data must be ignored and labeled as 'racist', 'biased', etc. If their is a secret network of 'rich white men' that have 'systemic control' over the entirety of human civilization, and you claim that this network of 'rich white men' is attempting to impose patriarchy, racism, homophobia, etc. then you need to support these claims with evidence. Pointing to disproportionate representation of Whites in the government and media of predominately white countries does not in any way prove that their is a conspiracy of rich white Men who are attempting to control the world. It's perfectly natural for white Men to be over-represented in positions of power in white countries. Moreover, if white had 'systemic control' over the economy, government, etc., then how do you explain the fact that we have black, brown, and muslin politicians, billionaires, etc.?

Your conspiracy theories have no basis in reality. If anyone needs to take their meds, it's you.

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