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>> No.16636627 [View]
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Self-improovement is the only ideological response to meritocracy's failures. Whatever liberals believe about opportunity or fairness, entrenchment of class and wealth has occurred in meritocracy. The wealthy send their children to the best schools, have inherited privileges the the masses do not have, and will almost always marry within their own elite class. Ivy leagues have a tinder for ivy league students where users upload their CVs--yeah, profane and demented, vulgar bourgeois mindset I know.

In respose to the working class rural guy the elite response is: self-improove, study, leave your rural family for the city, leave your religion, put your morality to one side and adopt the neoliberal one. In other words, become like the elite themselves. This is absurd, but is implied from an ideology of meritocracy: if you alone are responsible for your success in the meritocratic market, then all failures to enter the elite are your own fault. The only solution is to reform the masses, themselves rather than the socioeconomic conditions. You should be harder working, more 'open', more 'curious', you should totally abandon your way of life to become a urbanite yuppie, etc. It's disgusting.

Quiby laid off its entire staff during a pandemic and the CEO played an upbeat song "get back up again" from the film Trolls. A song about positive mindset (wooooo wooooooo magical thoughts) causing material success. This all in an attempt to uplift the now jobless staff. That demonstrates how naive optimism, Self-improovement, and enterprise are at the centre of this demented pseudo-meritocracy liberals love so much. Socdems and liberals are horrific.

At least the aristocracy and church had some degree of obligation to the masses. We have fallen so far, and into a social structure based on fantasy, magical thinking, delusion, and inequality to rival the most despotic fiefdoms in our distant past.

>> No.16257346 [View]
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