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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.20228339 [View]
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I have a feeling of cosmic horror towards women. It's as if they're living amalgamations of the most repulsive and horrifying aspects of nature and the universe. All signs point to the fact that they're no more made for man's good than any other things in creation. After all the horror stories I've heard of divorce rape, paternity fraud and taking the side of whoever wins in wars, I conclude that only idiots honestly love them, because you can either love women or you can understand them. My understanding of them, limited and lacking as it is, tells me that I deserve to suffer a fate worse than death if ever I trust one. Lovecraft couldn't have written something as abominable to me as the thing we call a human female.

>> No.18421015 [View]
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It was in high school, I remember not which year it was, when I and a friend of mine were tasked with the creation of a humorous reenactment of the Rape of Persephone. The performance itself was fine up until the moment I cast aside the teddy bear I was using as a prop and uttered the words "A teddy bear won't do it for me anymore!". I meant for the phrase to mean that the bear could no longer be used to alleviate Hades' feelings of loneliness but, of course, the class burst out laughing at my choice of words, the humor derived from the implication of what manner in which the God of the Underworld used the bear to ease the pain of his solitude, that being of a sexual nature.

>> No.15942745 [View]
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To exist is to be at the mercy of many forces beyond one's control. Even in a state of non-existence, one is still at risk of being torn into existence via the act of sexual intercourse and the conception of life that usually happens afterwards. Even while in the womb, one cannot be certain if one's mother will, for whatever reason, choose to terminate one's life and be forced to return to non-existence in a painful fashion. This is the true nature of existence, to be tossed around by that which is beyond the individual's control and understanding like a ship thrown around by wayward winds and waves, in which the only escape is for the ship and it's inhabitants to sleep in a watery grave at the bottom of the sea.

>> No.14039131 [View]
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Any good books that have a character descend into madness in a terrifying manner?

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