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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.14835865 [View]
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>> No.14783856 [View]
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Larger frontal lobe than u, faggot.

>> No.14774705 [View]
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>He hasn't taken the IQ determinism pill

>> No.14742770 [View]
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>Implying the 20th century "nuclear family" model is in any way relevant to modern society or efficient for global technological development
Every 20-something on /lit/ suffering from boomerbrain syndrome should just stay mitigated to the nsfw monkey boards such as /b/, /pol/, or /r9k/.

>> No.14668762 [View]
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The story is easy to follow, the plot and language isn't overly complex, while the world built by Rowling is quite imaginitive while still being comfortably familiar.
I don't see what's wrong with the seriese. Yes, it's a childrens book, which means it can be read and understood by children. But like childrens movies, it can also be enjoyed by adults.
What does irk me about the fans of this series is that they all seem to have a very skewed understanding of traditional witchcraft and magic in general. The employment of the "sorcerers stone" in the first book (the philosophers stone) tends to inspire a vision of a physical magical object that one can obtain, while historically this concept found in the medieval alchemical texts, is much more abstract and theoretical in nature.
I think the series could be a good modern gateway into these older traditions, though I doubt that many care to look beyond the pagentry and into history books.

>> No.14639560 [View]
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Read American Psycho.
And stop being poor.
>I dont want my dick to fall off
Then stop putting it in lender cunt. Enjoy your hpv, loser.

>> No.13426506 [View]
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I've almost said that verbatim to my wife on several occasions. Will they ever understand our intellectual endeavors?

>> No.13384191 [View]
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No. But this thread is certainly going to get "saged" if you know what I mean.

>> No.13375733 [View]
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Luciferian Materialist. Credited with writing ghost-written material. A philosophy created by and for secret society elitists and international bankers. Guilty of anti-human conspiracism and pedophile apologism by association. Hated liberty. Prideless, stateless, and soulless grandson of Marx Levy (((Mordechai))), "German" rabbi and ethnic alien.

>> No.13372871 [View]
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Just ask it, duh.

>> No.12942728 [View]
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It's not like I'll ever have the opportunity to travel abroad to any historic bourgeoisie tourist monument anyway. Burn the entire continent to the ground for all I care.

>> No.12580213 [View]
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Heheh. Yep. That's right. It's me again, shitstick. Thought you could
>smell up the place with this diarrhetic drivel
without me noticing huh? Think I
>read a single word of that /lit/zophrenic hogwash
eh? Well think again, neurd. I came here to CRINGE and hand out BASEDPILLS. And I'm almost outta basedpills, pal.

>> No.12519951 [View]
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Oh look, it's this turd burglar again. I'm still not going to read all that shit. In fact, I'm gonna give you a big ol' SAGE and CRINGEpill yet again. And yes, this time it IS personnel, kid.

>> No.12242394 [View]
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It's so silly that millennials are only now getting into O9A or ToB. Even Myatt knows it's shit, yet i'm certain that the average siegetar or #sinister practitioner has any idea that this book even exists.

Uninitiated children really have no business dabbling in the "occult".

>> No.12231863 [View]
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I gave in to the shilling and bought the book. I agree with Sean to some degree on most of the concepts he brings forward, and have at one point or another had the same thoughts myself. A few things can be deduced by the prose of the book. That Sean is undoubtedly in his mid to late twenties, possibly early thirties, is now and has been heavily influenced by early 21st century internet (image board) culture, and is politically right-leaning. Many of the concepts of this book appear to be very shallow and crude, or misinformed but I don't believe this book to be anything more than a foundational text on which to be built upon by the reader. I personally do not agree with the authors politics and do not believe the author himself has put enough groundwork into studying politics (or the corruption thereof) to present a coherent paradigm. I found his concept of "sexual value" and views on homosexuality to be the most entertaining part of the book and can myself agree with these views. The main problem I see with ideas put forth in this text is that for the concept of building to be put into action, on a scale that would result in true social change for a community, a continual act of cooperation between a mass of individuals would be required. At this phase in our social "development" in the western world, I do not see this as a possibility. The final point I think that needs to be addressed is that of Sean's prose. I think he should have put much more thought into how this will affect the audience he's aiming for before having this text published. Using obscenities in a foundational text like this just seems unwarranted and inappropriate.

>> No.12000042 [View]
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>On the argument that anyone who uses this site is a brainlet

Anyone who pics up a *real book* (in contrast to printed forms of entertainment or thinly veiled advertisements) and reads and is able to integrate what he reads into his daily life in an ethical way has an objective advantage over those who choose not to. The /lit/eral autism and smugness portrayed on this board is mostly voiced by pseuds who don't put this into practice, or who simply show rudimentary knowledge about specific authors or books, without having actually read or understood them. There are occasionally very intellectually stimulating threads found on this board, as in other boards, and it's the users responsibility to filter out the plebian drivel.
I, as an anonymous user on Channel 4, know that I am perfectly capable of exercising intelligence and integrity in my offline daily affairs. One doesn't have to be dimwitted to find humor in absurdity. I find that a form of electronic entertainment lacking in blatant and dishonest advertisement, yet brimming with dissent from all possible sides, is much more stimulating than the alternative, such as account-based forms of social media.

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