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>> No.23759295 [View]
File: 595 KB, 1319x2087, godEmperor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you failed the first test, which is: stop at Book 1.

truth shines!

my clinically retarded brain just can't handle time stuff. I remember watching the movie Primer and thinking What in the Fuck?!


Less "ideas" to work with than sci-fi. Sci-fi novels are a lot like these huge thought experiments in which the author dreams up of a future universe in which XYZ is possible. Fantasy tends to take place more in "our" past, in sort of like medieval times pre industrial revolution.

apparently truth does NOT shine

>> No.23219006 [View]
File: 595 KB, 1319x2087, godEmperor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How was Chapterhouse, hell how was Heretics? I stopped at God Emperor.

>> No.23184050 [View]
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checked and based. are you on book 1 now? I only got up to finishing book 4

>> No.22938960 [View]
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>> No.22313848 [View]
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>> No.22264026 [View]
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>> No.22206158 [View]
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can someone do a better job than me with this?

>> No.21591383 [View]
File: 595 KB, 1319x2087, godEmperor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

69 checked. just push through to get to God Emperor. all you care about is that Leto gets neat powers.

>> No.21570488 [View]
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Dune books 2 and 3 are pretty lame. Just keep pushing to get to God Emperor

>> No.21243088 [View]
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thanks anon, I bit the bullet and started Embassytown but will finish Dune next. I've heard people seem to like the last two books. I thought Children of Dune was a total slog, loved God Emperor. we'll see how Frank finishes it up

>> No.20412475 [View]
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checked and thanks. Which Culture books specifically? Consider Phlebas kinda had what I am looking for but man I didn't enjoy it for whatever reason. Player of Games was better but it was definitely not what I'm looking for.. shit it was Chess... in SPACE!

>> No.20072246 [View]
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>> No.19906469 [View]
File: 595 KB, 1319x2087, godEmperor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked and post Dune memes

I took a break after finishing God Emperor.. which I thought was *chefs kiss*.. still need to get to Heretics and Chapterhouse

>> No.19820958 [View]
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yeah I got up to God Emperor, that shit was based

>> No.19778629 [View]
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God Emperor shows us just what is means for Leto to execute the Golden Path. The whole book is one big "the ends justify the means"...he decides to stagnate ALL of humanity just so he can finish his breeding program with the goal of breaking humanity from the bonds of those with prescient powers (e.g. himself, the Spacing Guild, the Bene Gesserit). Sure, the book is a little wacky, but Frank kinda wrote wacky shit in general, and I really liked how the plot turned out. Beyond seeing the plot follow through, I think Leto is the best Dune character, even better than Paul. He comes off very sad and tragic, I unironically felt for him at times, especially towards the end when he's falling for Hwi. He's the only person I've felt any real emotion towards in the Dune novels.


>> No.19762557 [View]
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I thought it was kinda silly. but yea God Emperor is pretty based

>> No.19728616 [View]
File: 595 KB, 1319x2087, godEmperor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did anyone else get filtered by the 3rd Dune book (Children of Dune)?

I absolutely did, it was my least favorite of the first 4 Frank books. The first half of Children was a huge slog - the second half, which was more Leto focuses, wasn't bad, but still... I actually just finished God Emperor. Taking a little break now reading some non-fiction but I plan to jump into Heretics soon.

>interesting social commentary/political concepts/ethics? In the same manner 1984 does it for example.

Brave New World is a solid answer but maybe you've already read that. I would also recommend The Dispossed by Le Guin, it's basically a 'Capitalism vs. Socialism' book. Honestly any Le Guin sci-fi is going to have some social commentary.

>> No.19719856 [View]
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and with that, I have finished God Emperor of Dune

I think it's the best in the series so far. Leto II was a great character, very damaged and alone and powerful and sad. The Golden Path certainly makes more sense now.. to make sure humanity doesn't fall into prophetic traps. It will be interesting to see how the descendants of Siona and Duncan play out versus what I assume will be the Bene Gesserit and the Spacing Guild (who want / have prophetic visions). as myself and another anon asked in a previous thread.. do I move onto Heretics.. do I stop for good.. or do I take a break? Up next for me is to finish Frank's Dune; or some non-fiction on the philosophy of science; or a LotR reread; or some Neal Stephenson

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