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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.18772578 [View]
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I've never done anything like that though, where would i begin? how do i tell her? HOW

>> No.17699284 [View]
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>Trying to write for a personal love essay column. Just the opening, not polished. >Thanks anons.

Somewhere out in the great basin desert a dusty road stretched, barely visible, through tall hills and fields of sagebrush. Far from paved ground, much less any highway or town, it crossed from Utah into Nevada, winding through dry creek beds and fallen trees until opening into a shallow valley. The sun was setting, coating the quiet desert in warm gold. I would have been taking photographs, or at least admiring the beautiful, fiery scene. Instead, I was digging. My bare hands clawed in the hot sand, fighting the ticking clock of the sinking sun.
In foolish apathy, spurred by sadness and rage, I had taken my Toyota Camry across terrain no Toyota Camry should challenge. I’d made it further than could be expected. But after all those dusty miles, coming around a tight bend into the valley, the road turned to sand and my car sunk to the undercarriage. Careless, I tried to accelerate out, spitting great waves of sand into the air and completely digging out the ruts beneath my car. No cell service. No water. An empty desert, mockingly serene all around me. I was trapped.
Digging furiously, I glanced to the sun, trying to gauge how much time I had. Sweat beaded on my neck.
Four years earlier, I wiped my neck. Some sort of ooze coated my fingers. Egg yolk. I cleaned it off my white collar as best I could. Whoever had thrown it was behind a fence, out of sight. I shook it off we continued along. Another knock, another door slammed in our face. A few houses later the door opened a crack. A woman peered through the iron grate, cigarette hanging on her lips. My companion spoke this time, the usual spiel.
She coughed, preparing to speak. I looked to her window and saw a small, rainbow triangle. My fingers ran along the edge of my black nametag, nervous.
“You lot pushed that prop eight business. Don’t want nothing to do with you-tearing families apart,” she said in a gruff voice.
Ever optimistic, my companion leaned in. “No, ma’am, our message is about how families can be together forever. In fact-”
The door swung shut, rattling the grate. A flower on the porch swung back and forth. The hand-painted pot spelled in large, happy letters: “Love.”
Just another door. We moved on. Across the road, a trail ran parallel to the beach. A man ran shirtless. My eyes followed him a moment, then quickly away. Instead, I looked toward the ocean. Broad as the sea, a thought filled my mind: I shouldn’t be here.
Clawing in the sand, I fought panic. I shouldn’t be here. I shouldn’t have come out here. I can’t hike out. No food. No signal. Nobody knows I’m out here. The sun dipped beyond the horizon, and a chill filled the air. I kept digging.
Two years before, I met Alex. Slim, dark eyes, a simple expression on his face I mistook for confidence. He stood outside Tommy's Drive-In Burgers, waiting for me. We’d met online, a forum for people leaving the church.

>> No.17556921 [View]
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How do I find beta readers? I'm revising my novel and I definitely don't trust myself alone.
The few friends I've shown my writing don't give much feedback usually just 'oh that's nice' or maybe something they consider a plot hole. I want somebody that's gonna red pen the shit out of it.
Local subreddit? Find some gay forums? For some reason I feel like having local ones or people I can meet in person will increase the quality of the feedback, but I don't know if that's actually true.

>> No.17379954 [View]
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If any qt girls are reading this please be my gf I'll buy you chocolates!

>> No.15891975 [View]
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Nah man I’m just happy I get to live with my wife, and spend our free time together doing what we want without concern. Gonna have a kid or two soon too which will be a dream come true. I’ve become a permanent remote employee so once covid is over we’re gonna start traveling together and remote working together. Very excited.

>> No.15805366 [View]
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Books about loving women?

>> No.15748080 [View]
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>> No.15614959 [DELETED]  [View]
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Why do we become more conservative with age

>> No.14839993 [DELETED]  [View]
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Where do I get a /lit/ communist vegan "shinji is best girl" infp emo techno club gf that likes scriabin?

>> No.14804841 [View]
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>Breece D'J Pancake
Thanks for the rec.

>> No.14766226 [View]
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Where can I get a /lit/ commie vegan infp gf?

>> No.14582677 [View]
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Literature to make me believe in love again?

>> No.14454949 [View]
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Where do I find a pure honest self aware woman that is interested in literature and anime? I am very lonely.

>> No.14357587 [View]
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based buttertranny posted in my thread. I'm flattered

>> No.14279031 [View]
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Deleuze is unironically very wholesome.

>> No.14265889 [View]
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>> No.14264049 [View]
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apu is cute

>> No.14261793 [View]
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>> No.14243344 [View]
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Where and how do I get a /lit/ gf? I am very lonely.

>> No.14234301 [View]
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Any English degree anons here? I am graduating in 3 semesters. What can I do with an English degree?

>> No.14141562 [View]
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The Book of Disquiet
Confessions of a Mask
The Master of Go
Moby Dick
The Moon and the Bonfire
This Business of Living
Mason & Dixon
Molloy-Malone Dies-The Unnameable
Bleak House
The Unconsoled
A Rebours
The Manuscript Found in Saragossa
The Waves
Arcades Project
In Search of Lost Time
The Portrait of a Lady
The Golden Bowl
The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge
The Sound and the Fury
Journey to the End of the Night
Jesus' Son
Nine Stories
A Man Asleep
The Flanders Road
The Man Without Qualities
The Death of Virgil
Independent People
Invisible Cities
Paradiso (Lima)
Under the Volcano
The Lime Twig
Ada, or Ardor
The Poetics of Space
Water and Dreams
Adventures of Ideas
The Anatomy of Melancholy
Urne Burial
Essays Montaigne
The Tunnel
The Royal Family
Stories Chekhov
Stories Walser

>> No.14141523 [DELETED]  [View]
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The Book of Disquiet
Confessions of a Mask
The Master of Go
Moby Dick
The Moon and the Bonfire
This Business of Living
Mason & Dixon
Molloy-Malone Dies-The Unnameable
Bleak House
The Unconsoled
A Rebours
The Manuscript Found in Saragossa
The Waves
Arcades Project
In Search of Lost Time
The Portrait of a Lady
The Golden Bowl
The Sound and the Fury
Journey to the End of the Night
Jesus' Son
Nine Stories
A Man Asleep
The Flanders Road
The Man Without Qualities
The Death of Virgil
Independent People
Invisible Cities
Paradiso (Lima)
Under the Volcano
The Lime Twig
Ada, or Ardor
The Poetics of Space
Adventures of Ideas
The Anatomy of Melancholy
Urne Burial
Essays Montaigne
The Tunnel
The Royal Family
Stories Chekhov
Stories Walser

>> No.14130143 [View]
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I really like Kierkegaard. I also like a few obscure 20th and 21st century theologians.

>> No.14088847 [View]
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Books for a lonely friendless virgin schizoid loser that lives too much in his head dreaming about everything having no real life ambitions and spends his time reading books all day?

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