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>> No.15205211 [View]
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The self has no form, body is merely transient.
"Those who do not realize the self , will go from death to death''
>enjoy being farmanimals cucked by Maya forever, teehee

>> No.15157364 [View]
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>> No.15151222 [View]
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The intelligent man,
whos mind is free from
confusion knows pleasures
and sorrows to be alike

read shankara commentaries on upanishads with awakened eyes one clearly sees nonduality prior to buddhism also assuming you're not a bot which is unlikely since at any post any time of day first reply . Bot program

>> No.15139499 [View]
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Mindless drone carbon copies of social indoctrination, the collective ego identity providing artificial sense of security . its babies first entry into spirituality just to step in a bear trap and remain ever fore incapacitated .

I had direct insight now i can blissfully shitpost in nondual awareness rested in wellspring of being beyond mere appearance of many manifested forms of this conditional reality.
>tldr seethe and cope.

>> No.15103549 [View]
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God is the ultimate larper

"Vivekachudamani...explains that the aparent dissimilarity [between isvara and jiva] results from their respective upadhis. Isvara's upadhi is Maya, while the jiva is limited by the five sheaths. But these are only like the different costumes worn by an actor, with Isvara being the role of the king and the jiva being that of the beggar. The actor is the same - Brahman. Advaita, then, pursues the path of negating each of the five sheaths which we mistake ourselves to be...This process leads us to the understanding that "I" am that Conscousness that is present in everything. SImilarly, the finite, time-bound objects of the world are negated so that Isvara is realized to be that same Consciousness. Then it is seen that I am That.''

>> No.15081722 [View]
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Deep meditation , calm heart and mind
The soul can only know itself by itself , the mind cannot know it as soul is behind the mind.

''Ordinary human beings, studying and working with material life, are circumscribed in their understanding by their sense perceptions and rationalizing intelligence. With undeveloped intuition, their limited power of intellectuality cannot truly comprehend matters of the spirit even when such truth is expounded to them. Though colossal intellects and famous theologians may be well read about the soul, they may nevertheless understand little about it! On the other hand, even illiterates given to deep meditation will be able clearly to describe the nature of the soul from their own direct experience. Intuition bridges the chasm between intellectual knowledge of the soul and actual realization of the divine Self.''

It is a state when the knower,knowing and known are one.

>> No.15067987 [View]
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'That which cannot be expressed by speech, but by which speech is expressed—That alone know as Brahman and not that which people here worship.

That which cannot be apprehended by the mind, but by which, they say, the mind is apprehended—That alone know as Brahman and not that which people here worship.

That which cannot be perceived by the eye, but by which the eye is perceived—That alone know as Brahman and not that which people here worship.

That which cannot he heard by the ear, but by which the hearing is perceived—That alone know as Brahman and not that which people here worship. -- '
''Samadhi [spiritual ecstasy; state of God-union experienced as the ultimate goal of meditation] is a joyous experience, a splendid light in which you behold the countless worlds floating in a vast bed of joy and bliss. Banish the spiritual ignorance that makes you think this mortal life is real. Have these beautiful experiences for yourself in eternal samadhi, in God. Auroras of light, skyfuls of eternal bliss will be opened to you. When through samadhi a yogi awakens from the delusions of maya, he beholds his body, the separately existing images of other human beings, and all material objects to be streaming unceasingly from one Source: the consciousness of God. -- ''

Is that ever lasting hylic SEETH?

>> No.15053931 [View]
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Most religions are retarded social clubs and many practices dont translate well to our current state of being.

Start where you're at and do it for everyday practically .

Controlling awareness is your most precious tool, realize you're awareness beyond body and mind.
With a bit of practice you can manipulate your body chemistry with awareness: instantly feel calmer, pump good feefees into your brain, control body temperature etc
Just work on raising your awareness until you begin to feel it others it is realizing same self in everything that is.
Your spiritual practice should be something u do 24/7 in ordinary life not meditating in a cave.

>> No.15048353 [View]
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But anon your anger is not real its a transient projection ask yourself who is feeling that anger?Then ask yourself who is asking .
Your mind will open in great enlightenment

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