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>> No.4212839 [View]
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Christian here. God doesn't send all fags to hell just because. Sins of the flesh are the lowest and least grave forms of sin. Fucking a nice piece of ass because your body makes you want to isn't much compared to far graver sins like rape, unfair murder, being a general asshole to everyone, etc.

The Christian homos I know either choose to not have sex at all, with anyone, or get over the fact that they are sinners like everyone else and move on, like any other Christian.

The whole message of Christ was that, on your own, you can't be saved, because nobody can be perfect as a human being. You need extra help. Sinning is a condition that you can't avoid as a human. Even saints were sinners. The saint generally feels like a greater sinner than the actual asshole.

For all you know, Christ was homosexual. It makes no difference to anything.

Christ always asked His disciples to consider the big picture and not get stuck on trivialities and literar-mindedness. You're of God, you can, to a degree, think like God. Which do you think is worse:

>long-term relationship with another homosexual

>long-term relationship with another heterosexual, but treating them badly, cheating, etc

There's no question in anyone's mind what the worse is. Deeds matter, as they are reflections of what your faith is. Being attracted to flesh makes us sinners, and it matters little whether that's hetero or homo. Being a slave to your body is never a good thing.

You are responsible for how you play your cards, but not for what cards you've been given. If you're a homosexual, God takes that in account as your unchosen condition. In the end, it comes down to remembering what God said, "The way you treated people in your life is the way you treated me."

Sometimes giving your partner a good dick in the ass is the best you can do for them. Sometimes it's rape. You can't fuck around with the details here. God doesn't. Everything counts.


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