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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.20165793 [View]
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yah, if you can conceptualize religiousity in abstract as a concepet, force, and sensation.
I think If one can understand the sublime in art it can happen or have experience in another religion. I think it requires a certain ontological opening (I dont mean to make it sound as a souly intellectual thing, but in terms of how meaning is developed intuitively, which I think can even be apreciated to a non believer who genuinely wishes to sympathise with religiosity as a state of mind).

I think it may be helpful for someone to reseach a religion they are not culturally familar with to better try to understand those underlying things. like the toa tai ching, or some sufi writtings for westerners, or Augustines confession for an easterner. As it it easier to put aside your particular innundated biases and follow the mental steps from which these moods procced.

And for the autisticly formal, I would recommend papers on ontology to transition to a different mood of thought. I cannot remember the specific name of the paper, But It was by some African American Muslim who was describing the particular religious experience of west african quaran schools and the imbibing of the written quaran. It was a scholarly article, and I would definitely recommend it as an avenue of understanding for the stumpped non-religious.

>> No.19430090 [View]
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A poor refutation of Mo Willems Philosophy. No wonder why it has so little views. In his very book he must strawman and assume ulterior motives for the bus driver and laws in general. He never even considered that the anti pigeon driving laws where there for good reason (as indicated by the pigeons lack of driving expertise under his own commitment). He talks about critical thinking, but only seems to apply it in the negative, as a deconstructivist principle, rather than give the command the benifit of the doubt or way the pros and cons to the pigeon act. Holes throughout. Classic case of bringing up potential issues (the potential nonutility/authority of commands), but not following through with it to its ends. Not to mention inelegant tonal shifts.

It is but a low and spurious effort by a laxidaisy critic to the Euphoria of Mo. Maybe a more well founded critic may take down the Behemoth yet, but not today.

>> No.19015250 [View]
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I think that Might be due to englishes promenent and rather dominant history in the realm of literature and global eroditeness. I dont think its necissarily something innate to the english languaage, but due to England and anglophone communities being rather dominant in the last 500 odd years, there is a lot of literary development, content and gestalt processes (both achademic and lay) in it as a general medium. I would say the same is mostly true in other dominant languages like German or French. Slovakian, I assume, probably does have a literary history, but IDK if if would be as broad and eclectic as a major language, one with millions of speakers and which much of the literati used and shaped.

>> No.18697640 [View]
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>Are there any philosophers that aren't fucking misanthropes?
If you actually spent the time to read any philosopher, they are usually both massive misanthropes as well as massive philanthrops as well.
They usually criticize and praise in relitively equal measure the nature of man. However, when your idea of people come from the sum total of AZquotes, you can paint a much narrower cherry picked picture than the usually more multifaceted story. Nihilism is just easier to make catchy.

>> No.18591616 [View]
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...Im sorry anon, I am just having a hard time following your thesis here. Everything you said was both overarching and very specific, and I could think of good examples of the exact opposite withineach claim as well, as well as claims of the inverse. Christianity is kind of a massive topic with many billions of people that make and made up it. I just dont see your position. Seems like you are percieving a monolyth that in not quite there. If you specifically said Catholic doctrine and pointed to specific overarching problem, I would be better able to engage with you, or something to a similar effectin another denomination or in regards to a certian core aspecit you see in the wider cult. Something in its ontology or some such,

However, at this point It seems you are simply saying words bereft of meaning.

>> No.17979567 [View]
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>He jumped right from the Romans to the medievals
Tell me you at least read the jews and the bible and shit before you jumped all the way to post 1000's stuff, right? Of course it depends on what you mean by roman. Does that also include late antiquity stuff like boethius and Plotinus and Augustine? If you did, then good on you and i respect your position. also
> the poems
Did you just read the poetics and not the cultural supplemental material like accounts and philosophical/theological texts?
Also, What are your thoughts on the Eddas and Northern Pagan stuff? are they likewise devoid of the essence you saw in the greco-romans?

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