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>> No.19294991 [View]
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>this is the same as fucking Masons in the 1800s. they are not going to do some sort of top-down reorganization of society, it's all bourgeois idealism and debate.
They legitimately are already doing a top-down reorganization of society. “””They””” have been doing it for decades, if not centuries — this is not a dog-whistle. This is about the Rockefellers and Rothschilds and the like. I humbly accept your point about needing to do more reading, though — I’m far from an expert on Marxist theory (you know this and you’re right to call me out on it). But do you suppose modern idpol is entirely organic?

Think about it. I mean, here’s George Soros and Hillary Clinton at the WEF, too. Soros worked with Clinton when she was Secretary of State. Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild bankrolled Hillary’s 2016 campaign for presidency. She and her husband, Sir Evelyn de Rothschild, are close friends with Bill and Hillary.

Soros’s Open Society Foundations funds massive immigration reform, he funds Democratic Party candidates, he funds liberal district attorneys who have let off violent BLM and Antifa rioters with a slap on the wrist and also just decided to stop charging people in certain cities for “petty” crimes (as a move towards “racial justice,” of course — just let them walk free and stop charging them for these crimes — what are ya, a White supremacist bigot?) and also pours money into racial justice groups such as BLM (which, again, is founded by 2 Black Marxist women and some other Black woman).




Statues, meanwhile, are being proudly torn down. But there’s no threat of a gradual Marxist takeover...

>this is sensational and cherry-picked

It’s a necessary antidote to the propaganda you get in the mainstream media.

The Rockefeller Foundation, meanwhile, also pours money into LGBTQ+ causes.


Meanwhile, the Council for Inclusive Capitalism, once again, seeks to make capitalism more equitable — but there is no long march through the institutions, and there are no powerful bankers and NGOs pushing certain ideas slowly yet thoroughly to transform society as they see fit. CNN tells you all you need to know. They do not want to homogenize the human race and turn us into a 2-tier feudalistic society under the guise of compassionate Marxism. We could never enter into a cashless society with all transactions being digital and every movement and word of ours being monitored, and only two classes existing — the homogenous underclass, and the ruling over class.

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