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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.20843924 [View]
File: 134 KB, 850x479, __fischl_genshin_impact_drawn_by_reizouko__sample-d953a9032c07d8ad3454d00f0140a5a0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, so I'm in a situation because I'm a retard and I've decided to dedicate my life to the fictitious universe in my head while also becoming a polymath and aesthete. This might be the last thing I ever do while fully cognizant of myself. Right now I'm currently embroiled in the following:
>Have a part-time job, seeking full-time/multi-part-time employment
>Writing 5 books, planning 2 more
>Writing 3 serializations, planning 2 more
>Writing 2 blogs
>Running 2 YouTube channels, planning 3 more
>Reading a list of 315 books I own or have money set aside for, at least 50-75 pages per day
>List of books include Greek history/philosophy and law, though admittedly most are classical literature or fantasy
>Teaching myself coding, operating DAWs, and how to speak Japanese
>Planning out when to watch the entire film catalog of 3 directors over the rest of the calendar year
>Watching 6 Western television series (soon to be 5 when Better Call Saul airs tonight, soon to be 8 by end of calendar week)
>Watching a Western cartoon (soon to be 2 on Friday)
>Watching 2 anime but have a list of ~40 I'd like to get through by end of year
>Trying to finish 2 single-player video games
>Got addicted to gacha/live service games a while ago but have thankfully cut it down to 4, monkey brain wants me to go back to 17, fighting it off with junk food (not my call, it just works)
>Starting to read a serialization later tonight
This does not encompass the vast array of things I am planning to do, including a current list of 5,894 ideas I have for various books, serializations, blogs, YouTube channels, scripts, games, albums/EPs, innate notebook scribblings, etc. that I plan to create. Nor does it encompass the thousands upon thousands of books, games, television shows, films, and live service experiences I would like to use as inspiration for the ever-expanding chasm of my mind.
As you can probably tell, I have no one to talk to about any of this, as I have holed myself away in order to accomplish the impossible. I had come here a year ago when things were less insane, but now I can't keep up with myself. Any advice for how to stop this would be appreciated, but unfortunately, when the Hand finally takes me, I will not be able to comply. So I'm posting this in the hopes you find it amusing. I'll come back next summer with an update as I continue to wreck my body and mind.

>> No.18841615 [View]
File: 135 KB, 850x479, __fischl_genshin_impact_drawn_by_reizouko__sample-d953a9032c07d8ad3454d00f0140a5a0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After countless hours at the computer typing away, I am being hoisted away from my NEETdom and thrust back into the world of both education and employment. I didn't accomplish nearly as much as I'd hoped this summer, but I managed to lay out the thousands of ideas I have in a cohesive map. Not only that, but I've spent the last week mulling over marketing tactics and ways I can fund my borderline autism as I go balls to the wall in both an artistic and corporate sense. I've already got plans for 6 major releases by the end of the year under two primary pseudonyms, along with a handful of multi-year projects under their own titles that will continue to be introduced to the public as the year progresses.
Today was equally enlightening, as not only have I discovered the perfect alias for a series of books I've been working on since June (105k words in the first one so far) but I've also received near-divine inspiration to continue to push forward. So much will slow me down in the coming months, but not a single thing will stop me. Media consumption and creation will be my primary focus even with my studies and work. Those, after all, are just tools to get me to where I need to go.
The people around me keep calling me "crazy" or "insane" for trying all of this. But I have to, otherwise I fear the world outside myself will destroy me. And I refuse to be destroyed.

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