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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.12405719 [View]
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if there is anything i truly detest, it is that we have evolved a world in which genuine humor and surprise has been eclipsed by the moral puritanism of soft communism. this is to me one of the worst things in the universe. it's not like it's lost on me how we arrived at this point: partly, it proceeds from having more or less decided that, first of all, *there was nothing that could be taken seriously.* this is what really galled me about deconstruction, 90s-style, although in a different way. DFW recognized the danger: you cannot found a literary tradition on pure irony. this is true. what we are discovering today is that you cannot found a *philosophical* tradition on pure critique either. it leads to a disastrous shallowness and incipient rage. but it has also helped me to realize one thing, at least: that what i was looking for in postmodernity was never going to be found in postmodernity. what i was looking for was the perennial philosophy. i just wish somebody had told me that. oh well.

on a tangent: if you want to read something quite interesting about how the DNC/techno-Leftism perhaps actually dreams of working, and without taking a cheese grater to your synapses thinking about, this article is quite fascinating. the goal of Xi Jinping Thought is actually a pretty fascinating experiment in turning the CCP into the self-aware autonomic nerve system of China. this to me seems quite reminiscent of exactly everything that is happening over here in the West, except that it is done under the banner of social justice. perhaps we should just call it Judith Butler Thought. or Intersectional Thought. anyways, here are the links:


long version:

i can't lie, there is deep down in me some part of me that dreams of being a kind of ultimate CCP ideologue. who wouldn't? who wouldn't want to live every day like your entire country was a real-life version of Mother Base, and just Work Hard For The Greater Good? there is a part of me that would be fine with this, so long as it wasn't a ressentiment-fueled exercise in virtue signaling, which i suspect it almost invariably is. anyways, i thought these were interesting enough to share here. i forget who it was that said that the CCP was both profoundly illegal, and yet also the source of all legality. it seems like the magician's trick they are working on is in a way to produce their own disappearance. as /lit/ said, in a moment of insane brilliance:

>when everyone is Big Brother, then nobody is.


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