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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.10786634 [View]
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OP, it's still the same shit. Pic related is the oldest picture I have saved from /lit/. File system says it's from 2007 but that might be wrong. 2 months after it's creation, until 2010, I used to browse this place daily. Then I stopped caring and came back to check on things from time to time.

For the most part, it's still the same place sans annoying tripfags.
>There's a sticky (that almost every fucking newfag in need of some spoonfeeding ignores, yay!)
>No actual discussion or literary criticism occurs (except in some philosophy threads)
>Recs usually lack any basis
>Most threads are still about the same entry level books (this makes sense)
>/mu/ doesn't care about us anymore
>literally no sharethreads
>Fantasy and SF now have a general (thank God)
>Similar levels of /r9k/ cancer
>Tourists stupidly asking for recommendations
>"E-readers are for plebs"
>Almost the same charts are distributed
>Almost no memes (Nora farts, Stirner, Greek fandom, [Murakami] is no man in my country)
>Substantially less Pynchon and DFW

Just take it or leave it. Nobody will care in 2 years.

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