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>> No.17333329 [View]
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Well first I will point out that this woke imagery is absolutely not limited to Facebook, or even tech companies. The entire phenomenon of corporate activism is, like every other actions performed by corporations, entirely motivated by how it affects their bottom line.
Starbucks turning a 100 second mini narrative about trans empowerment to shill coffee is one of the most twisted aspects of modern existence. People used to speculate what era we live in and a “Post-Sincerity” world feels sickeningly and wickedly accurate

Anyways, as to how it benefits Facebook, there are the ways it benefits tech companies in general:
It helps attract young talent. Most of the candidates for these companies are liberal (as a result of US unis being liberal echo chambers, particularly the ones they tend to recruit from. I say this as a libtard from one of these unis)

It helps their PR. It is interesting how intangible qualities like sentiment and consumer perception are actually incredibly impactful when it comes to measuring how successful your company will be

Facebook obviously needs the latter more than most tech companies

I have never met big Zucky boi, I have seen him in the office though and he hosts a Q&A for employees every week which you can tune in to. He is basically as autistic as you think he is

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