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>> No.11289128 [View]
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Desire is rarely realised and even then only realised in ignorance and resignation. Desire is also in constant flux, so what pains you about these "chains" has more to do with your relation to the fluctuations of desire. This a conscious act of chaining yourself to one representation of a complicated and superfluous cognition. Desire can be unpacked and made to be seen as the absurd beginnings for your passions as well as your vices, though there is not much difference between them for those desires.

>> No.11260919 [View]
File: 49 KB, 345x599, athena.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"human" is an abstraction of some use to us at this moment, but not necessarily in the future. the point at which a consciousness no longer requires that abstraction, humanity can be transformed and so become noble - as there is no basis for its nobility currently.

>Therefore, clad yourself in dragon's scales and wage war on humans?

omniism assents to all belief. it is the sun in your sky amongst the endless stars of the universe. that one should shine on you and signal your praise and give you the possibility of having a personal meaning in that relationship, also shows you that nothing sets it apart from the rest of the stars except the occasion in which you find its likeness not as a god but as a common type, a thing known to be without uniqueness.


You know ancient Chinese medicine is about to undergo a reevaluation which will change that nation forever, once again.

>> No.11151938 [View]
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It's pretty interesting, and I can see why someone would say that Maistre is advocating fascism considering his views on reasons and the state and the need for an irrational aesthetic bady to keep people in line. It's seems like an old idea that has to do with the foundation of social units in perceived conceptions of hierarchy rather than coherent rational structuring of a social unit. Should be easy to find this in primate colonies I'd assume, and that says more about psychopathy and groupthink. Very interesting.

>> No.11142113 [View]
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Either it's a religious worry, or a political worry, but keeping people submissive in this manner is itself Sadistic. I want books that aren't filtered out by the mods fucked up tastes, but I also don't want to impose on this board anymore than I do already. Help a guy find his book like a bio of Napoleon and Lolita together in one, friends.

>> No.11131937 [View]
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>if the emotional roller coasters are inevitable during confinement, how to exploit them?
Sublimation towards self-actualising goals.
>exploit rage
rage requires an antagonism that strikes you on an emotional level and the exploitation of it requires a rational response. To exploit this you must refine and extend both your emotional responses and your ability to be self-aware and rational. Exercising these two modes to their extreme will cause a mental break down if and only if they are not harnessed into the amalgamation of reason and emotion in passion. But at the same time, this amalgamation will steady you on your course to self-actualisation and so quell that rage. Therefore, to exploit rage is to quell it through passion or allow it over time to destroy you. This is not to say rage can not be extended before it is sublimated into passion, but it requires constant building of reason and self-awareness to maintain and is therefore more likely to be co-opted by passion very quickly.

Seek out your shadow, battle the gods of the underworld, act out what scares you the most, what humiliates. Then meditation, just sitting in a room doing nothing, reading. That should do.

>> No.11000899 [View]
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>be Engles
>read Stirner and think, "this is how everyone thinks they think anyhow."
>realises he was the man that trod over and crippled that little girl
>realises he must write a will soon before the effects take control and he is no longer capable of changing back to Engles
>writes will before he becomes Stirner and continues to run down little girls without concern
>decides he's now going to be Robin Curuso on the island because he can be anyone, is anyone
>gets bored of this, realises he's not Robin or Andy Kauffman, but is indeed Jim Carry, or who Jim Carry would be if there were such thing as an ego
>decides to create a script for life that is excalty like being an egotist.
>is tortured by his need to be told what to do, where to go, what to think about new situations
>reminds himself of his happy meal he had when he was ten, about the pop and cholate bar in his fridge
>yes, a cold chocolate bar, like he had when he was young
>feels like this time, that past were true even though he heard he may of remembered it all wrong, that what is cold, what he ate, it was all just the world being excreted by athena into his mouth
>he begs for the one taste, he reclaims his unknowing embodiment as a future one moment behind the thoughts of his ego, his self, behind the knowledge of his shiteatting
>guisness is poured, depress is discussed around a circle, and he dreams of that One Taste

>> No.10977704 [View]
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err towards the ladder, between the angle twisting through bad luck as joke the father who art in the living room will preach rational folly expected as mythopoetic translations to idiots and children, a error stepped ladder in life's triangle of reason, emotion, and passion. all footing being the grounds for making us hang the picture without a leveler and still find peace in joyful playing the evil skip under the badluck superstitious, stupor situation bland bass roar get out from under there before you get, hurt folly fosters renditions of myth to tragic aims to laugh at the rule, almost religious juxtaposing just a father poses to hang the family tree by the fire place, hurry for a sec, don't error, and over. Over the underneath, over the snowfort collapsing. the ladder folded to climb to cobwebbed courner, unadorned, music non adorno, especially the day in mind as you break the sanctity of someplace you probably should go but do for whateverreason, what purpose only seeing purposelessness in some thought gone, the superstition back to a clump of grass a child builds a palace with in sun somewhere outside while you're doing, helping for some such reason. err on the side of fortune that brings you to worship that blankness and goodness of passion a moment before your agency, almost grasped, almost in control. Why choose at all to learn magic, or have you language broken down into spells of what thoughts could mean if compounded with other resources.

>> No.10667055 [View]
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Ha! Fucking idiot. Has to stick his head outside. Doesn't hear the kingdom of music within, doesn't hear the ever present hum, doesn't know the tuning-fork at the centre of being because he muffles his funnel with real sounds.


Why is it that people would think the gods speak in words and not in melody? I dream in conversations, not pictures, and I can only hear the sounds of the voices, not reasons.

There is a certain lady that speaks softly, and you'd think she was full of rage, but the sentences are all just, all fact, all observation. Her words are music as much as music is the buzz of some light high up on a pole, lighting an empty field on a prairie. I call back to her and I know I've cancelled the pact I've made with her, that once more and I'll have to cut my own tongue out and eat it. Her lesson is harsh and the threat is real, but still I don't really listen.


I'm always getting carried away....


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