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>> No.20815666 [View]
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Lol the Sylabus of Errors is an encyclical by Pope Pius IX why are you lying about very easily verified things? It isn't in Vatican 1. Stop lying. You made that up.

As for Vatican II it's probably bunk. It does not claim papal infallibility and Paul VI did that on purpose because it's a "pastoral council", whatever the hell that means. You'd know that if you did more research then "I vaguely remember hearing Orthodox Grifter #6969 say it's a theological mess so let's mention it!" Literally nothing in that council is authoritative. That's why there are organizations like the SSPX that have valid priests recognized by Rome and not excommunicated but in a weird state of limbo that just pretend it never happend. But that's not how papal supremacy works, a Pope being a mental midget and having a get together with fellow retards then calling the result a "council" in no way invalidates the papacy. Vatican II is a seperate theological topic and I'm more interested in getting to the root of why you, and why most Orthodox Convergs, are seen repeatedly lying during religious debates.

Why are you making things up? What is the reason for purposefuly lying in a debate with an anon on 4chan? Do you think lying for the lord is a valid theological belief? Are you a Mormon? Do you really think lying about easily verifiable things will make catholic anons convert and become Orthodox? Because here's what happens: when they realise you lied to them not only will they think you are a retard but believe every Orthodox is a retard. Like I do after experiencing this same thing every time I see an Eastern Orthodox convert. Is it on purpose to sabotage the Orthodox faith?

I actually think Orthodox converts are possessed and are trying to make Christianity look stupid to non Christians. I doubt you became an Orthodox Christian because you love Jesus Christ; this whole debate in bad faith is proof. You aren't saving a soul, you want to feel good. I OWNED HIM HAHA at the expense of him hating your religion. I haven't read what the other Catholic anon is saying so maybe he's arguing in bad faith too, if so I disavow him, but this is a repeat offense every time I see an Orthodox Christian have a religious debate and it makes me feel bad for cradle Orthodox lol. And if your cradle Orthodox then dear God help us all there is no rest and my experience with the sleeping Orthodox bishop during liturgy is more systemic to the Orthodox then I thought.

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