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>> No.21955501 [View]
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>> No.13562297 [View]
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>> No.9809206 [View]
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>i don't know what vein of anime prophecy this guy has tapped into but it's fucking cool as hell.
That's hot.

Military otaku is weird in general. It's this sort selfaware-but-not-really way of thinking. They're ironically the only ones in their country thinking about this stuff. And somehow the violent ones are the train otaku... go figure.

>being a sage should be, in some sense, everybody's endgoal.
Yeah. I'm still banking on shitty education here. Somehow everybody's got to be Mozart for some reason. It's like we think we're in the stone age and have to have all skills on the planet with us. Which is impossible with how much our species has multiplied. Also inefficient. But even if we're going to accept hierarchies inside hierarchies, we still need an übermensch to put the whole thing together--but then I'm not sure if that is necessarily a maximal persona, like Peterson would say.

But in our particulra cases, we're impatient because we've been in on the mysteries too fast. You gotta go die in the woods when you're an old man, not when you're barely an adult. Otherwise where's the tragedy in a suicide?

>the sad fact is that somehow we wound up in an alternate universe were Star Wars is the go-to for references &c when Dune was always by a *country mile* the more interesting sci-fi epic.
It all happened when Jodorowsky's Dune went under. They had fucking Dali on board. Even if it wasn't gonig to be 1-to-1 it would have spiked interest. But all that just disseminated in the pop ocean. Giger and the folks he met there went on to make Alien... and so it goes.

The saddest thing about Star Wars is that it could have been better. It just got too big for its own sake.

But we're bringing the band back together.
That's from Gundam doe. Still, Gundam is something that's pretty pertinent as the thing that more or less outweighted Star Wars in Japan. Space Nazis, human adaptation to space, mechs adapting to humans in space, humans being modified to adapt to mechs adapted to humans in space... Nazis being the sexiest thing ever as the franchise goes along, Char going genocidal by trying to follow father's dream, Jewpiter being Jewpiter. It's a pity it's also one of those cases of being too big to be easily digestable. I wonder if there's a comprehensive guide to the setting somewhere in there so people don't have to go through 200+ chapters just for UC. Gotta ask /m/ some time.

The latest series actually had a setting which was similar to what I was talking about, in which machines got so good at killing people had to become enhanced and the outlaw the whole thing.

>> No.8875549 [View]
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The two bibles are still around and kept safe, so even if it's never getting made as it was envisioned there's the possibility that an animated film based on Moebius's art could get made or copies of the books could be open for the market or get in a museum. Maybe if it gets memed enough something will happen.

>> No.7848454 [View]
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Nah, Jodo doesn't try to hide he's a maniac.

>> No.7168782 [View]
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So let’s go back to Harry Potter for a bit. I have some questions about it: Why do wizards go to school? Why was the magic world separate from the non-magic one? Why was there a chosen one? Why was there a great war? Why did the villain hate people of a different “race”? Why did the story focus so much on “race” purity? Why did it focus on “race” at all? The reason is, our world. Harry Potter is an expression of our world. Calling it illegitimate because it is culturally disassociated from us is incredibly ignorant, because it originates purely from our world.

>vacuous idea, dead language
Oh please, don't be obtuse. It is a fact that people derive pleasure and identify with these stories. The fact that people form fanbases, is a point that makes them all the more obviously similar to mythology.

>stories which would eventually take on religious significance. The two could not and did not tell the same kind of story.
See above. Sure, the authors do not intend it, but they do create fanatics.

>His story bears nothing on our God, our histories.
I disagree. It tells a lot about what we believe, and the fact that they have resonated with so many people tells a lot about us.

>The picture we have, anyway, does not tell us that writers in antiquity invented myth on anything near the scale that Tolkien did.
Those authors had no need or reason to create such stories. If Tolkien had been born a couple millennia ago, he would just have adapted things rather than “create” them. This is purely a formal difference: in Roman times it wasn’t prestigious to create your own “world”, in our time it’s not prestigious to show the world with the wrong facts.

>Not about Tolkien.
Why not? Why are you limiting yourself to names? Sure the stories aren’t exactly the same, but much of Tolkien is taken directly from myth. The underlying tropes permeate all our culture. Even if we’re talking about specific characters or stories, it’s still not a fact that they don’t get passed around. Superheroes are a great example of this, fanfiction is another, you have authors as disparate as Lovecraft and Robert E Howard sharing elements of their stories. The only reason this isn’t more obvious is due to authorship rights, but even then, like I said before, things get readapted all the goddamn time, by different authors, and you have knockoffs of the most popular stories all around. This isn’t very different from the “natural selection” an oral story would go through.

Well my personal experience tells me otherwise.

>those were rarely the central myths.
How so? Most myths were explanatory in some way, weren’t they? And yes, religious beliefs, as a part of cosmology, counts as explanatory.

(4/4, woops)

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