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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.9908679 [View]
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The Lord Of The Rings (it is a single book, fight me).

After about 10 years of first watching the Jackson's films, I finally grabbed it and decided to read it. Fell in love with it instantly. The way Tolkien builds his world and gives us more info about it was really well done, the Treebeard chapter was 30 pages of him babbling about shit that happened to Pippin and Merry and it was fucking great, really liked all those songs about the world, too, really well done. The prose is fluid, beautiful and yet simple. There are a lot of moments when Tolkien is describing something, be it old ruins, a hall, some character or whatever and never was I bored with it or felt what he was describing was unnecessary, it all had it's place in there. The characters, although not as complex as Dostoevsky's Raskolnikov, were still nicely written and their dynamic and overall friendship growth were done rather well and there are some touchy moments, like say Gandalf's sacrifice in the mines of Moria or Boromir's last stand. Also, fuck PJ for unnecessarily making Frodo a little bitch in the movies, while he was anything but that in the book, even in the times when he was on the verge of death. And there's no melodramatic romance between Arwen and Aragorn here, which is another plus. Overall, I loved every single bit of it and must read Silmarillion, too, since I've heard it's Tolkien's best work.

>> No.9500435 [View]
File: 153 KB, 1024x640, Balrog3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOTR is the best read during the summer.

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