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>> No.11207547 [View]
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>i like this too, btw, a lot. that's the thing about Chaos - it's *vivifying.* the Law runs in spirals in this way. but this was deleuze's point in D&R: the Law does not exist because the Same does not exist. everything is copies without originals, and novelty comes through mutation. Chaos is only really frightening if we associate it with disorder, and crowned anarchy is indeed terrifying, but tyranny is arguably worse. tyranny is what calls you by your name and demands the sacrifices. the brutality of the 1:1 signifier and much else, this terrible and terribly destructive intimation that two things cannot be in the same place at the same time.

precisely this, what is the fad of transgenderism today but this continued fallout of the rejection of the A = A? the rejection of identity philosophy, or better, the tyranny of identity? people don't want clean closure, they don't want being made flush by conceptuality.

and yes certainly in this sense deleuze is right, determinacy IS negation, is death. similarity is stifling. thought as its own self-appropriating movement is caught up in the endless repetition of its identity with itself. or was, anyways.

and in this pomos are right, chaos is vivifying because chaos is life, but an attenuated chaos. isn't it strange there are both traditions that say Chaos pre-existed Cosmos and Consciousness pre-existed Maya? the flow we are trying to domesticate is us ourselves, no shit no one's worried about the leash they placed around their own necks.

and aren't we learning identity philosophy AND its converse, the fetishization of multiplicity and difference are both destructive, one kills by dispersion and the other by rigidification? one by an excess and another by its deficiency? which is why the more automated and mechanized the american workweek becomes, the more incandescent the weekends. maybe the ideal society won't be some static condition, but a pendulum, an oscillation, an inhale-exhale of jouissance... that we kind of already have now. what needs to change?

>so horrifying in fact are they that coming up on a century later we are still dealing with the ghosts and fallout of this. and that may well be for a long time to come.

exactly, you know i think these times will be remembered as a warning to not let our collective gut hang too much after enduring terrible suffering.

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