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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.11856065 [View]
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>There's power in the world again. Feel like I found Narnia in my closet last few years man lol.
awesome! that's fucking great, i'm glad to hear it. having a Narnia anywhere keeps the rage virus at bay, i think. everybody needs a place in their closet to go to.

speaking of narnia, CS Lewis was no fucking slob either. i love this quote:

>But you cannot go on ‘explaining away’ for ever: you will find that you have explained explanation itself away. You cannot go on ‘seeing through’ things for ever. The whole point of seeing through something is to see something through it. It is good that the win- dow should be transparent, because the street or gar- den beyond it is opaque. How if you saw through the garden too? It is no use trying to ‘see through’ first principles. If you see through everything, then everything is transparent. But a wholly transparent world is an invisible world. To ‘see through’ all things is the same as not to see.

whitehead on a similar note, more pragmatically:

>Philosophy destroys its usefulness when it indulges in brilliant feats of explaining away. It is then trespassing with the wrong equipment upon the field of particular sciences. Its ultimate appeal is to the general consciousness of what in practice we experience. Whatever thread of presupposition characterizes social expression throughout the various epochs of rational society, must find its place in philosophic theory. Speculative boldness must be balanced by complete humility before logic, and before fact. It is a disease of philosophy when it is neither bold nor humble, but merely a reflection of the temperamental presuppositions of exceptional personalities.

i'm not the world's biggest fan of pragmatism but it *does* prevent things from becoming pure linguistic experiment, b/c that is what fuels postmodern hijinx and in turn the rage zombies.

>40K could become this era's mythos with the right vision behind it.
40K is such a stupendously fucking great setting it makes my eyes blaze with love for the Emprah thinking about it. ofc the Emprah is purest freudian death-wish but *that is not the point.* even i recognize that there is a time for deconstruction and a time when one's inclination to critique must be met with a strong front kick to the testicles. 40K is fucking *fabulously* great. it is a satire so exquisite it becomes genuine art. i love it. it's the lore. the lore is so fucking good. huge fan.

there are subtle and fascinating literary trajectories in the whole history of role-playing stuff. Gygax was not Tolkien, and Games Workshop is not TSR. different cultures, different zeitgeists. even 40K has changed over time, as far as i can tell; the early editions were much more dark and, well, 80's-Metal than they are today. things change over time.

but john blanche, come the fuck on. this guy. this fucking guy!

>> No.11851562 [View]
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he just has such a basic message, don't make scapegoats. there's more to it but fifteen seconds will just show you how endemic this is to life today. blame and outrage, shock and trigger. and it leads to feud. aesthetics can't hide it either, inside the fancy tomb there's a body. the more you dress it up, the more you know there's something in there and it doesn't look so good.

now if the body in the tomb is The Immortal Emprah of Mankind and he's neither dead nor living, but directs the will of mankind through the astronomican b/c humanity is under siege by the chaos gods, okay, this is different i guess, and we have to defer to a different kind of anthropologist. but IRL this is probably not the case

for now

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