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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.21296658 [View]
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Wow, I can't believe how much this thread turned around while I was asleep. It seems like people are really split about this. Some people love it, others hate it, and most of you are convinced I'm a homo (on that note, death to all kikes, trannies, etc...) With that out of the way, back to reading and pipe smoking.


I've never tried either of those blends, and this is actually my first time hearing about Esoterica. I'm going to have to keep an eye out for their stuff. I also enjoy periques, and I did think about picking up some Mac Baren 7 Seas Reg (although I eventually opted for a few different Sillem's aromatics.) Is it any good?


>Are all aromatics worthless?

To clarify, when I said "additives," I meant "chemical additives." Now to answer your question, I never got that impression at all; I smoke them all the time. Personally don't know very much about this stuff yet, but it seems like relatively few aromatic blends feature "artificial" chemicals-- most of them seem to use "all-natural" ingredients. That said, while pipe tobacco generally seems to have way fewer additives than, say, cigarettes, there are still some you have to look out for. Aromatic or otherwise, pipe tobacco can feature propylene glycol, anti-fungal agents, and humectants, among others... some of this shit is what makes pipe sludge... and of course, sometimes the tobacco itself has been treated with insecticides. It does seem easy to figure out what is being added to which blends, and I assume that's by design. Overall, I wouldn't worry about it too much, but it's worth looking into.


I think the aversion to "ceremonies" (ie: "cultural rituals") comes as a result of the modern trend of the people practicing them being mostly boomers, obese beardbabies, and the faggots trying to corrupt them... and the additional fact that simply going outside and smoking a pipe, for instance, does not accomplish anything "productive" that will save our people. Will the re-embracement of these rituals save the West? Certainly not-- however, I am separately a living proof that the root of white power lay in such things as oaths, strict tradition-keeping, etc... Our cultural traditions, anachronistic though they may be, can help focus the mind and spirit towards difficult ends. It is by the honing of these elements that great accomplishments are born. If you have a dog in this fight, and smoking a pipe or whatever encourages you to do better thinking, then I'd actually encourage moderate indulgence over strict abstinence... But only if it helps you become and remain productive for the race, and you really have to be honest with yourself about that.

>> No.21287841 [View]
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>> No.20271090 [View]
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>you can't
embrace the truth faggot

>> No.19394607 [View]
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I don't know what more to say. I've read Guenon, Evola and Corpus Hermeticum, and all I can say is that I don't understand it nor do I get the point of it. Don't get me wrong, I perfectly understand what they're saying, I just can't shake the obvious fucking observation that esotericism is just making Art out of metaphysics.

That's literally it, its just metaphysicians with too much imagination and creativity. I wouldn't mind if the authors that write about it just left it at that, but no, they are huge fucking posers claiming:
Just go read fucking normal metaphysics and stop posing as an ancient egyptian demi-god who is united with the monad. Stop being a disgusting edgelord to compensate for your lackluster and empty personality. You are not "holding secret knowledge the plebs can't understand" just because you read Ride the Tiger, you're just a faggot who needs to get a job

>> No.19067487 [View]
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Still need to read Gorgias and Protagoras, especially looking forward to the latter because I've heard Socrates actually meets someone of his own caliber.

Symposium convinced me to strive for spiritual beauty in life.
Also that Alcibiades was gay for Socrates.

>> No.17112413 [View]
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my autobiography

>> No.17084696 [View]
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I am 19 and i read like five or six books. Where should I start?

>> No.17016110 [SPOILER]  [View]
File: 528 KB, 500x647, 1607861049194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nietzsche or picrel
Works and Days (ubercomfy desu)

>> No.16823935 [View]
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Pedro Paramo
San Manuel Bueno, martyr
Sorrows of Young Werther

>> No.16796584 [View]
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>> No.15716218 [View]
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-dress and speak modestly, while emitting a nurturing glow toward all members of your tribe in need of comfort and charity

-have the humility to accept the body your lord has given you and resist the urge to mutilate it to indulge your delusions

-consult historical racial eugenics policies to select adequate specimens for adoption

-learn to give a thorough and sloppy deepthroat blowjob

>> No.15646642 [View]
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>> No.15620951 [View]
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>That one portrait where he looks decent isn't actually Kant, but another philosopher, Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi

implying kant's intellect wasn't literally the source of illumination to which the term "enlightenment" refers, radiating so intensely that it reflected off all surfaces and thus was literally seen in the face of every attractive man by all his inamoratas

>> No.15448311 [View]
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Because the primitive lifestyle is hard living. Humans by nature do not seek out the hardest path, but the easiest. You shouldn't need a book to tell you that anon.

>> No.14869697 [DELETED]  [View]
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I won't entirely disagree with you on the second part but I will object to the first. Obviously the underlying thing is far older than modernity and you are right that it is a label, but in the context of things needing to be deconstructed, how this is applied, this is purely in the modernist mode, the conceptualization of it. You're approaching this from a too rationalist a standpoint. I think it would be poignant to instead go back to go forward, perhaps a dose of occultism and mysticism, maybe something else. To slightly get your head out of the muck.

From where I'm at you're not really talking about 'deconstruction' but an effect of chaos, the unraveling of things. This by itself isn't useful though, I'm interested in chaos as the mother of creation. But this is a thread about genre fiction, so I digress.

>> No.14495803 [View]
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Im starting my philosophy degree in a few months (in conjunction with an LLB)
Other than the Greeks, what should I read to prep? I'm currently reading the Iliad.

I already did a 100 level philosophy paper in high school last year, and got decent marks. It was mostly on ethics stuff, understanding how to mark moral arguments etc, we went over topics like euthanasia and took some looks at some different positions and how you come to those conclusions. I dont remember exactly who was used as references but i remember reading some things by Peter Singer, John Stuart Mill alongside a bunch of unimportant people.

>> No.14244159 [View]
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because it's based

>> No.13257255 [View]
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How to approach decalcification of the pineal gland? Any recommended sources?

>> No.10670893 [View]
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Never change, /lit/.

>> No.8485713 [View]
File: 528 KB, 500x647, 1467728878052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been reading The Secret Teachings of All Ages by Manly Hall. It's long and feels a little disorganised when you're reading on a Kindle, but it makes some fantastic connections and goes into detail about almost everything. Give it a shot, but I don't know what to suggest to you if it's too heavy.

>> No.8138357 [View]
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Take the pill
Make memes
Make magic

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