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>> No.7346756 [View]
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I stabbed him in the neck and push him into a nearby wall, grab him by the head, pull back and slam agsin. Soft crunch. Pull back and slam again. Hard crunch.
I step quickly to the girl the girl on the bed. She's half naked and crying. I pull her by the ankle and yank her off the bed, she falls to the floor and I stomp on her stomach repeatedly. She clutches her abdomen and I stomp her once on the neck; I feel a snapping.
She's now grabbing at her throat, flopping around.
This is taking longer than expected and I feel a regret for not taking my time with her.
I crouch down to her.
"You should've seen me like a year ago, I was such a bitch"
That sounded stupid
"Well I was always something like a God, I was just too afraid to express it"
She dies. I'm about to continue talking but I hesitate and stand up to look around

>> No.7296343 [DELETED]  [View]
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>only a Sith deals in absolutes

>> No.7180760 [View]
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When I was 11 the beginning of Catcher in the Rye
When I was like 13/14 I'd read Sharrlyn Kenyon's Dark Hunter vampire series and masturbate repeatedly; sometimes just to her pic in the back of the book

>> No.7176841 [View]
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>I do and did it to people who just did and do

>> No.7151061 [View]
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She has cone shaped tits and your data plan says virgin

>> No.7122089 [View]
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I rewrote it
Please tell me what you think

I remember when I had my ex over. I was living in a dingy warehouse filled with tools and old crap (and a lot of quasi interesting artwork); living in a “rat’s nest”, sleeping on a couch cushion that because of my sweat had a little mold growing on the wicker mat underneath. I told her about how I wanted to brainwash people; described how I could have them in cages in the warehouse, mentioned funny nuiances, mentioned my friend that no one would miss. Probably coming to the realization of what I am with the context of my living situation she told me that she wasn’t attracted to me anymore and I laughed. She quickly forgot. I’m watching the movie Frank and it’s an interesting commentary on what art is - Tao Lin says it’s subjective; DFW says It’s difficult. Without offering an alternative I think that both of these are copouts; I can only assume it reflects life and so art must come from some great struggle.

>> No.7112380 [View]
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The fact that you'd say tfw instead of that feel us indicative of your situation

>> No.7092655 [View]
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I was going to use this pic for this

New joker speaks of contemporary enlightenment

>> No.7082557 [View]
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I know plenty genuinely transcendental things so nothing in particular comes to mind

Ask or give me something to work with

It's sad that no one replied to you

The meaning in life is inherent; significance is relative; my life is insignificant according to who? Because my life is of the utmost significance to me

I'll spell it out

If my life is of the utmost significance to me, what within my life are the most significant variables? Most simply put, extreme sadness and extreme happiness are the most significant variables in life

Between the two which do you prefer?

I think the answer is no

If everything is God's will then God is "nature" for lack of a better word. The laws of nature are holy. Even in the bible God often worked through real world things and there's an overarching implication that the heavenly plain is more like a, again for lack of a better word, astral or mental plain
God is therefore for the most part an unconscious being. Conscious life (humanity)naturally moves toward a level if greater control; effectively becoming God at a rate dictated by those intelligent enough to use the holy laws on nature efficiently

You can x out reading, which effectively replaces all words between "not" and "then" with "intelligent"

>> No.7035978 [View]
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Wrote this yesterday about a reading in Oakland (where I live) from Monday. This was my first intro to any lit scene

I went to a reading, a 'chapbook' release being thrown by the publisher- Alexandra Naughton author of I Will Always Be Your Whore.
I met a guy from soc there to buy oxy, and so I wasn't the guy who showed up alone.
I walked around kind of awkwardly noting some of the people I recognized from their picture. I had messaged Alexandra a story of how I groped a girl on public transportation along with my pictutre, she didn't respond and I didn't mention either if this when I introduced myself - which I realzed was probably awkward because I had the feeling that everyone else knew eachother. Upon feeling that I introduced myself to the guy she was with, who I ended up talking to while Alexandra tried to get tiny chat to work on her phone. Apparently this guy wasn't reading but I'm exceedingly interested in male writers in this indie/alt scene

First up was Alexandra herself. Posting I think some ~selected tweets while caming for TC. Made a point to mention her Clueless thing, which I find very expected of her to pretend to like. Toward the end she said something funny about how she loves to be asked about how she's doing online and I found it funny because I've chased that online fame in the past and said something similar when a family member asked me how life was

Next is the bouncer turned poet. Not as self aware or PoMo, but I enjoyed his overly dark poems and so did the older lady in the crowd who closed her eyes as he spoke

Then Mister PoMo Hispanic Guy. He said some very funny things but kind of ruined it by overexplaining, which I'm guessing was quasi intentional

Then Edgy McEdgster by the name of Joel Landmine. Talked about other people's girlfriends while he was there with his attractive fiance. Karma is a bitch Joel. Probably the guy there who I write the most like

Then the lady of the night Cassandra Dallet. Taller than me, big ass and writes about growing up without a home and black men a lot. She kind of reminds me of a future version of my ex which makes me hate her but I bought her book and it's not terrible

>> No.7030906 [View]
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I'm reading Arm's and The Dudes, about how 3 early 20's guys got government contracts to run guns internationally and tried to fraud the defense department. It's inspirational that ultimately because of one fucking 18 year old a company run by 3 young guys competed with companies like Lockheed for contracts in the hundreds of millions

They're making it into a comedy in the same vein as Pain and Gain, which also took place in Dade County Florida and Wolf on Wall St, also staring Jonah Hill - and will probably be the next in the line of modern movies centered around crime with no female starring role

>> No.7017842 [View]
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It's beautiful

Things like 'so I'm hoping against hope' are hard/have too many syllables to read as lyrics imo
Things like 'hid my death inside an egg' are perfect

>> No.7016030 [View]
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Jordan is lingering, talking to one of the older grimey people when I've already paid him for a ride and the reading already started. I beat his ass, then hug him for it. His eye is fucked but he can pull it off.
The guy from elementary says something and I make good vibes with him, I used to 'fight' (read wrestle) often in elementary.

We leave but never make it to the reading, by the time we got to Berkeley there was only 30 mins left of the reading and I was tripping too hard to use my phone to find the location
We drive around talking. We almost go to a few bars but never make it inside. I kept changing my mind until I eventually just wanted to get dropped off from another failure of a night
What would've been nothing in regards to the Jordan situation if we had hung out at a bar and I talked him up to some girls, I think is now a thing. I feel like people might not want to hangout with me now but idrc about them

There's another reading in Oakland on monday. Alexandra Noughton author of I will always be your whore will be there but I doubt I'll be social if I go alone. I just want to write and connect with people through that

>> No.7008976 [View]
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She made an awkward effort to laugh the loudest at my jokes, each time showing me that fucking gum and reminding me of this weird 12th grade slut in my 9th grade algebra class (years later she sucked my dick at her mom's appt while I'm pretty sure she was on bath salts)
My ex was there and this girl was supposed to be kind of famous so I just asked to go back to her place, definitely not wanting to take her to mine
There was this awkward kind of expectant silence that I wanted to get away from and thinking about spending 40 long seconds of alone with her I told her I was afraid of elevators, then she ended up following me up the stairs
I had her walk in front of me and I fingered her a little, pretending it was against her will to try and get myself in the mood...etc you get the point

The girl from math and the blowjay was true btw

>> No.7006400 [View]
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I wanted to get involved in the alt lit scene
A few months ago, before I even knew alt lit or Kerouac for that matter existed, I started writing about my experience as a young lower class America male. I wrote about my often times disturbing and borderline abusive relationships with women. This was different. This was interesting. This was my voice and something I don't think just anyone is capable of

I discovered that there was an active scene where I live in the bay area. I was excited

Until I realized women ruined it
Last year there was a witch hunt against perceived abusive or misogynistic writers, that were apparently ruling this scene. An environment where I'd thrive, where I could finally be recognized. And it's gone

The women write about being sluts and this is alt lit. In this society men write about being chauvinistic and using women, something rare among males these days, and it's hated on; called into question how it's even "alt", because this is such the standard

These male writers have disappeared. I have no one to talk to
Women fucking ruin everything

>> No.7002355 [View]
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There was no need to say the word related
This and your misuse of anti social probably means you're an idiot but whatever

I probably do actually have some kind of anti social personality disorder, but I also have anxiety.
I can be out with friends, pretty much dreaded in anxiety, some female friend of friend I met once or a random girl will stand near me and I'll be groping her, touching her pussy and ass through and under her skirt ir something, respectively while my oblivious friend is talking to her and everyone besides me and her us oblivious to what I'm doing, and I still go through the rest of the night quite and not really talking to anyone because I have some intense anxiety

How I'm special or different doesn't have much to do with my reading books, and I usually just read non fiction books on business and finance or white collar crimes or something

>> No.6983498 [View]
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Where is alt lit currently thriving online? How can I become a part of it?

>> No.6975004 [View]
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I'm being very serious here
I'm 23. Male. White/Have my own opinions
Last night I stole cough medicine while I had a girl I'm fucking buy beer. I drank both. At one point she thought I was only being nice to her because I want to pimp her (I do but that's not why I'm nice). (I slap her for fun btw). Blahblahblah I pushed her against the outside of her car, pulled her leggings down and fucked her before taking a nap and getting dropped off at work

How can I connect with this type of community and showcase my work?

>> No.6959582 [View]
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This is true

My ex girlfriend is basically trying to bait me into going after her
She'll tell anyone who will listen about how I was abusive even though it's irrelevant to our not being together and she deserved it anyway. Much of her contacting me is her telling me she's with [new guy she's fucking who isn't as good as me] and telling me where she's with. Or the guy will threaten me and seem like he's half trying to make friends or something, saying a lot of awkward shit and letting me get him to insult his self, and she'll randomly say hi.. even though it's through text
I beat someone's ass on transit for saying hi to her. I beat my friends ass for it seeming like he was flirting with her. Before we started dating I beat a guy's ass for sitting next to her ar a hang out when it was obvious she was there with me. I slapped her and beat a guy's ass because it seemed like she was kind of posing for him and I'm sure there's more I can't think of, but I'm not beating this guy's ass. She's not really making me jealous with this guy but it's also because I've have some kind of fear lately that I hope I get over soon
I've seen my type of person described in movies. "Malignant narcissist" in the recent movie No Good Deed". "Severe personality disorder with features of morbid jealousy" in the older British movie Asylum. I'm not sure what I think about that

My woman situation is lacking. When I go out some girls do give me attention despite my stand offish nervousness. The other day a girl stood close to me faced away talking to her friends at a bar while I was ordering. It seemed like she'd be okay with it so I grazed the back of my hand across her ass, then slightly lingered there as a feeler which was a move I used to use when I was 20. She seemed receptive to that but I didn't really take it further. Another girl tried to openly push her friend on to me which I know means that the girl pushing is the one that noticed me (my friend also basically confirmed this at the time) but I thought it was lame so I ignored that. I probably should have just went for it
I'm fucking a girl a little older. 25
I met her on transit when I sat next to her and groped her while a few passengers watched. We fuck in her car. I hit her and have her pay for things (one of the last times I slapped her a few times, in not a mean way while we were in the booth of a diner where she was treating). But I also talk to her like she's a person sometimes. Lately I haven't even been fucking her
We hung out in front of her ex and I had no problem getting hard while I made her rub my dick through my sweats in front of him (he tp'd her house for this) but later that night something was seriously missing
I'm not a fan of her personality and I don't really find her attractive anymore. I also think she might fuck black guys which makes me think kind of lower of her and makes me kind of regret fucking her without a condom

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