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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.23033624 [View]
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Which books will fix my overthinking, anxiety and negativity and unburden me, allowing me to live fully and peacefully?
No long-winded philosophical treatises, since I am prone to overintellectualizing and becoming obsessed with concepts

>> No.23007828 [View]
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Reading list for you:
The Bible
Restoring Pride by Richard Taylor

>> No.21824006 [View]
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its a played out meme, but you need two things.
1. Purpose. Find something you are passionate about. If you are as depressed as you are saying you are, then no goal should insult your pride. Find it and chase it.
2. Food and fitness. Let food be thy medicine. Eat foods that are simple. Avoid seed/vegetable oils, refined sugars, processed foods and excessive carbs. This will require more from you, as it has become much easier to poison yourself in our world.
Fitness is essential. endorphins released from exercise boost mood and testosterone that leads to natural anti depressant results.

this is all to say that, if you try these things, and find yourself in a place where you still cannot control your emotions, you may need medication. That is not to say you should stop any of these things, but medication should be avoided at all costs. They do not treat the cause, they are Band-Aids that fucks with your mental chemistry.

>> No.21819903 [View]
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>mfw I have never used discord and derive all my pleasure from building multiple complex paracosms that I tell nobody about

>> No.19891099 [View]
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I know, I am very stoked about the whole thing. Being able to choose from the thousand year corpus of latin texts feels like touching immortality. Once I hit cruising speed with latin maybe I'll even start Greek.

Life isn't so bad after all, we're all gonna make it

>> No.17561276 [View]
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>mfw I realize torturing myself over stuff I'll never have the answer to is pointless
>mfw I realize that things just are, and that I should abide in the beautiful momentariness of existence
Books for this liberating feel? It's all gonna be okay, bros.

>> No.17133071 [View]
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>tfw can read in Russian and Ukrainian

>> No.17090883 [View]
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I'm looking for books that explore the concept of death and rebirth (in the metaphorical sense, not literal) in mystical/esoteric/spiritual experiences. Specifically how they appear in religions and traditions, I'm not looking for a standalone study of the concept of ego death.
Do you guys have any recommendations?

>> No.15327892 [View]
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Kierkegaard anon. I said this to someone else on the board a couple days ago, but he will make sense now in a way he simply doesn't for the average reader.

I've been through this, but worse. No drug or therapist can help you. I know, i tried. I told a friend of mine that i'd been prescribed with Generalised anxiety disorder, and he simply replied 'no, you don't have a disorder, or depression or anything like that. You're just smart and you see how bad things really are.'

You might not realise this yet (or maybe you do but those thoughts are buried in the back of your mind, dismissed as fantasy) but you are on your way to somewhere incredibly dark. You might think you have arrived there, but believe me you haven't just yet. It's the kind of darkness that drives a man insane, or to suicide or heroin.

I've known psychosis, and the worst part of all of it is the fact that, deep down, you have this horrible feeling that it's really you that is the sane one, and it's everyone else who lives their lives in delusion.

I honestly believe there is a light on the other side but... you will not get there by trying to go back. You can't go back, and trying to will only make it worse. You really do have to pass through the valley of the shadow of death on this one.

But no matter how bad it gets, please just believe me on this one. There really is something worth it on the other side. Before I dealt with any of this, i never new true despair. But I also never knew true hope. It's the most precious thing you could ever have, and even a speck of it was worth what happened to me.

I will be thinking of you anon.

>> No.15300263 [View]
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Unironically this.

I had a similar experience to you. Very nearly drove me insane. Undoubtedly the hardest thing i have ever dealt with, and perhaps the hardest thing anyone can deal with.
YOU know what I am talking about, because you finally get 'it'. People spend their whole lives running away from it, but i'm afraid you can't anymore.
Read 'The sickness unto death'. It will make sense now in a way it simply doesn't for most people.
(in fact, almost all professional scholarship on kierkegaard seems to miss the point, as they want him to be an existentialist philosopher, rather than an existentialist christian)

As a final note, it's going to get harder before it gets better. It's real 'valley of the shadow of death' thing, and there is no way you can go but through it (and you can't go back, as you will be starting to realise).

But as someone starting to see some light on the other side of it, just take this as something to give you strength: It's only by going through the absolute worst that you can ever begin to know what true hope and true goodness is. It's fragile, but it's all the more special because of that.

Best of luck anon, I will be thinking of you.

>pic more related that it will ever be

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