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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.23432845 [DELETED]  [View]
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If Nietzsche was alive today he would glorify niggers. Niggers are too dumb to fucking add fractions so it's safe to say that they are unburdened by the questions raised by European nihilism. They have a culture strongly disdainful of learning and approving of physical and athletic prowess thus checking the "Dionysian > Apollonian" box. Niggers are the only ethnic group today with birth rates above replacement and fittingly they are also the dumbest race while whites and Asians who are leagues ahead of niggers intellectually are increasingly succumbing to collective doubt concerning the meaning of human life. The only Nietzschean thing they haven't yet absorbed is being beyond good and evil sincthey are still slaves to the dichotomy where they wuz de good niggaz who dindu nuffin and all evil that exists is the fault of them whitey

>> No.23419067 [View]
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>Hate! Exert your will! Blonde beasts! Aristocratic violence! Master morality! Destroy the weak!
>Ummm you can't hate Jewish merchants and swindlers because that's heckin' bullying-uhhh I mean...a vulgar slave morality ressentiment!
Really dude? So Chad shoving a nerd in a locker is a vulgar untermensch revolt against the real Nietzscheans too right? Lol

>> No.23083360 [View]
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>do you wanna spend a decade locked in a tower READ HIM!!!

>> No.23040172 [View]
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>Literally spent his entire life trying to write the edgiest fan-fiction
>Dies on pure copium knowing he could never refute anyone
>Now reduced to a grift topic for self-improvement shills

Never was there a bigger self-own.

>> No.23022785 [View]
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I still don't understand why resentment is inherently a bad thing. Suppose I was born as a great man full of vital energy among a subjugated people. I grow up hating the resentful self-consciousness of my people but eventually I use their ethnic hatred to pursue my own ends, become a great political leader of my people and seize power from those who oppressed and subjugated us. Wouldn't that amount to saying that I transformed resentment into an expression of the Will to Power?

>> No.23013843 [View]
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>> No.22976017 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 48 KB, 634x659, nietzschjak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

according to nietzsche this is BASED ALPHA MALE behavior we should all aspire to

>> No.22396664 [View]
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>morality is just cope for weak people lol
>anyway, nihilism is le bad and i have to coooooope and create le vaaaaalues
depassed by stirner

>> No.22174745 [View]
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>Wagner LE BAD even doe he's literally the embodied Dyonisian archetype, living in riches among the elite, making groundbreaking music and impregnating hoes

>> No.21909714 [View]
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>”The weak should fear the stro-“
>”Is that a horse…. Being whipped?? (A common occurrence literally everyday all over the world)

>> No.21734001 [View]
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He was ironically religious (unironically) so basically a huge fucking faggot

>> No.21716197 [View]
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>”pity and mercy are tools of the weak to trick the mighty into defeat!!!!”
>*chimps/troons out, goes insane, becomes an invalid and has to rely on all care from his sister*

>> No.21494436 [View]
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>Physically big tall stronk 6'8 gorillas are very unlikely to become the Ubermensch because they are more likely to focus on dominating others rather than freeing themselves from domination

>> No.21333278 [View]
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"Let us come to a conclusion. The two opposing values, “good and bad,” “good and evil,” have fought a dreadful, thousand-year fight in the world, and though indubitably the second value has been for a long time in the preponderance, there are not wanting places where the fortune of the fight is still undecisive. It can almost be said that in the meanwhile the fight reaches a higher and higher level, and that in the meanwhile it has become more and more intense, and always more and more psychological; so that nowadays there is perhaps no more decisive mark of the higher nature, of the more psychological nature, than to be in that sense self-contradictory, and to be actually still a battleground for those two opposites. The symbol of this fight, written in a writing which has remained worthy of perusal throughout the course of history up to the present time, is called “Rome against Judæa, Judæa against Rome.” Hitherto there has been no greater event than that fight, the putting of that question, that deadly antagonism. Rome found in the Jew the incarnation of the unnatural, as though it were its diametrically opposed monstrosity, and in Rome the Jew was held to be convicted of hatred of the whole human race: and rightly so, in so far as it is right to link the well-being and the future of the human race to the unconditional mastery of the aristocratic values, of the Roman values." Genaology of Morals

Wtf /lit/ you told me Nietzsche hated antisemites and that nazis lied about him. Discuss.

>> No.21065071 [View]
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>Dedicates his philosophical career to describing the ideal masculine BVLL (which he says is Muslim BTW, so he basically had a BBC fetish)
>Goes INSAAANE and dies from seeing a horse being whipped like a bleeding heart sentimental vegan faggot
He will be eternally infamous for being the cringest larper ever to have lived

>> No.20802112 [View]
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His letters

>"Pain is vanquishing my life and my will." He wrote in a letter. "What months, what a summer I have had! My physical agonies were as many and various as the changes I have seen in the sky. In every cloud there is some form of electric charge which grips me suddenly and reduces me to complete misery. Five times I have called for Doctor Death, and yesterday I hoped it was the end — in vain.

>"Though I am in my forty-fifth year and have published about fifteen books…there has not yet been a single even moderately reputable review of any one of my books. People help themselves out now with the phrases "eccentric," "pathological," "psychiatric"."

>"It hurts me frightfully that in these fifteen years not one single person has 'discovered' me, has needed me, has loved me."

>"How rarely a friendly voice reaches me! I’m now alone, absurdly alone…And for years not a word of comfort, not a drop of feeling, not a breath of love."

>"It has been ten years already: not a sound reaches me any longer – a land without rain…If only I could give you some idea of my feeling of isolation. Neither among the living nor the dead is there anyone with whom I feel any kinship. This is inexpressibly horrible."

>> No.20667388 [View]
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Pain is vanquishing my life and my will." He wrote in a letter. "What months, what a summer I have had! My physical agonies were as many and various as the changes I have seen in the sky. In every cloud there is some form of electric charge which grips me suddenly and reduces me to complete misery. Five times I have called for Doctor Death, and yesterday I hoped it was the end — in vain.

"Though I am in my forty-fifth year and have published about fifteen books…there has not yet been a single even moderately reputable review of any one of my books. People help themselves out now with the phrases "eccentric," "pathological," "psychiatric"."

"It hurts me frightfully that in these fifteen years not one single person has 'discovered' me, has needed me, has loved me."

"How rarely a friendly voice reaches me! I’m now alone, absurdly alone…And for years not a word of comfort, not a drop of feeling, not a breath of love."

"It has been ten years already: not a sound reaches me any longer – a land without rain…If only I could give you some idea of my feeling of isolation. Neither among the living nor the dead is there anyone with whom I feel any kinship. This is inexpressibly horrible."

>> No.20035827 [View]
File: 49 KB, 634x659, Nietzsjak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nietzsche is a gateway philosopher of the worst kind. His books are bad life-advice, clusterfuck of aphorisms and contradictory points that aren't very well argued by any aspect, but which attempts to compensate for his weaknesses by adding in excessive macho LARPing and EDGINESS. The normal anon can see this as the shit it is, and may enjoy it, hate it or be indifferent to it, but all the while recognizing that the philosopher himself, regardless of their opinion, is plain bad.

However, these very aspects that try to smear over the shit of his core make him a breeding ground for fedora, unsociable edgelords and faggots who engage in every kind of faggotry both online and in the real world. The provocative quotes all trying their hardest to sound cool, the armchair psychology, peculiar, homoerotic undertones, the whole Master Morality faggotry and everything about the Nietzschean ideals fuels their delusions of grandeur, while the pity-party character backgrounds, emphasis on egoism, and overall preachiness of the existentialism make him fit just right with the mary-sueish drives of your average teen and his sense of unwarranted self-importance towards the world. Exactly the kind of shit that makes little fedoras and underageb& retards eat Nietzsche right the fuck up.

Nietzsche is basically THE philosopher to attract the most hated fanbase known to /lit/, which is why, regardless of individual opinions, it is the responsibility of every anon to troll the fuck out of this faggot and everyone who likes him, and ensure that no Nietzsche threads ever encourage the newfriends to show their faces here.

>> No.19833318 [View]
File: 49 KB, 634x659, Nietzsjak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A moral relativist optimistic nihilist Wagnersexual Kurzgesagt watching language professor and paramedic was teaching a class on Friedrich Nietzsche, known natalist
"Before the class begins, you must love your fate and worship Dionysius and accept that Nietzsche was the most rational philosopher the world has ever known, even greater than Arthur Schopenhauer!"

At this moment, an enlightened, pessimistic, antinalistic Bodhisattva who had posted 1500 pessimism threads and understood the necessity of coping and fully supported all abortion in the United States stood up and held up the Book of Ecclesiastes.

"Why does man hate suffering?"

The arrogant professor smirked quite Krautly and smugly replied "Because of the life-denying cult of religion! You must create your meaning, resentful slave-moralist!"

"Wrong. Pessimism is a 5,000 years old Perennial Truth. If it was religion's fault and meaning, as you say, is real… then we should be the ubermensch now"

The professor had a spasm, and dropped his chalk and copy of The Will to Power. He stormed out of the room crying those existentialist horse tears.

The students cried and became NEETs that day and accepted Death as their lord and savior. A raven named "The Last Messiah" flew into the room and perched atop the soil and shed a tear of joy for the dead and the unborn. The Four Noble Truths were read several times, and The Demiurge himself showed up and enacted Samsara across the World.

The professor lost his mind and resigned the next day. He died of the natalist plague Syphillis and was met with eternal oblivion rather than recurrence.

The student's name? Thomas Ligotti

And now you know... it's all malignantly useless

>> No.19736213 [View]
File: 49 KB, 634x659, 1642016135313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A moral relativist optimistic nihilist Wagnersexual Kurzgesagt watching language professor and paramedic was teaching a class on Friedrich Nietzsche, known natalist
"Before the class begins, you must love your fate and worship Dionysius and accept that Nietzsche was the most rational philosopher the world has ever known, even greater than Arthur Schopenhauer!"

At this moment, an enlightened, pessimistic, antinalistic Bodhisattva who had posted 1500 pessimism threads and understood the necessity of coping and fully supported all abortion in the United States stood up and held up the Book of Ecclesiastes.

"Why does man hate suffering?"

The arrogant professor smirked quite Krautly and smugly replied "Because of the life-denying cult of religion! You must create your meaning, resentful slave-moralist!"

"Wrong. Pessimism is a 5,000 years old Perennial Truth. If it was religion's fault and meaning, as you say, is real… then we should be the ubermensch now"

The professor had a spasm, and dropped his chalk and copy of The Will to Power. He stormed out of the room crying those existentialist horse tears.

The students cried and became NEETs that day and accepted Death as their lord and savior. A raven named "The Last Messiah" flew into the room and perched atop the soil and shed a tear of joy for the dead and the unborn. The Four Noble Truths were read several times, and The Demiurge himself showed up and enacted Samsara across the World.

The professor lost his mind and resigned the next day. He died of the natalist plague Syphillis and was met with eternal oblivion rather than recurrence.

The student's name? Thomas Ligotti

And now you know... it's all malignantly useless

>> No.19734047 [View]
File: 49 KB, 634x659, Nietzsjak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A moral relativist optimistic nihilist Wagnersexual Kurzgesagt watching language professor and paramedic was teaching a class on Friedrich Nietzsche, known natalist
"Before the class begins, you must love your fate and worship Dionysius and accept that Nietzsche was the most rational philosopher the world has ever known, even greater than Arthur Schopenhauer!"

At this moment, an enlightened, pessimistic, antinalistic Last Messiah who had written 1500 pessimism threads and understood the necessity of coping and fully supported all abortion in the United States stood up and held up the Book of Ecclesiastes.

"Why does man hate suffering?"

The arrogant professor smirked quite Krautly and smugly replied "Because of the life-denying cult of religion! You must create your meaning, resentful slave-moralist!"

"Wrong. Pessimism is a 5,000 years old Perennial Truth. If it was religion's fault and meaning, as you say, is real… then we should be the ubermensch now"

The professor had a spasm, and dropped his chalk and copy of The Will to Power. He stormed out of the room crying those existentialist horse tears.

The students cried and became NEETs that day and accepted Death as their lord and savior. A raven named "The Last Messiah" flew into the room and perched atop the soil and shed a tear of joy for the dead and the unborn. The Four Noble Truths were read several times, and The Demiurge himself showed up and enacted Samsara across the World.

The professor lost his mind and resigned the next day. He died of the natalist plague Syphillis and was met with eternal oblivion rather than recurrence.

The student's name? Thomas Ligotti

Malignantly useless

>> No.19733994 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 49 KB, 634x659, Nietzsjak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A moral relativist optimistic nihilist Wagnersexual Kurzgesagt watching language professor and paramedic was teaching a class on Friedrich Nietzsche, known natalist
"Before the class begins, you must love your fate and worship Dionysius and accept that Nietzsche was the most rational philosopher the world has ever known, even greater than Arthur Schopenhauer!"

At this moment, an enlightened, pessimistic, antinalistic Last Messiah who had written 1500 pessimism threads and understood the necessity of coping and fully supported all abortion in the United States stood up and held up the Book of Ecclesiastes.

"Why does man hate suffering?"

The arrogant professor smirked quite Krautly and smugly replied "Because of the life-denying cult of religion! You must create your meaning, resentful slave-moralist!"

"Wrong. Pessimism is a 5,000 years old Perennial Truth. If it was religion's fault and meaning, as you say, is real… then we should be the ubermensch now"

The professor had a spasm, and dropped his chalk and copy of The Will to Power. He stormed out of the room crying those existentialist horse tears.

The students cried and became NEETs that day and accepted Death as their lord and savior. A raven named "The Last Messiah" flew into the room and perched atop the soil and shed a tear of joy for the dead and the unborn. The Four Noble Truths were read several times, and The Demiurge himself showed up and enacted Samsara across the World.

The professor lost his mind and resigned the next day. He died of the natalist plague Syphillis and was met with eternal oblivion rather than recurrence.

The student's name? Thomas Ligotti

Malignantly useless

>> No.19505841 [View]
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momentary cultural references are permeant

>> No.18652844 [View]
File: 49 KB, 634x659, soy nietz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't examine things ever
>muh feelz muh dionysus

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